A lover is a woman whose appearance is capable of destroying everything that you have built together for many years, spending your soul, time and emotions on it. Let the initial emotions "die away", cry now, because then you will have to act rationally.

Try to make sure that no one sees you in anger - emotions will subside, and you can think. The most hopeless occupation is scandals and tantrums. Believe me, your husband will not be imbued with sympathy and does not realize his guilt even after many hours of hysterics with crying and loud accusations - he will only become stronger in the thought that he is not understood here and will move further away. And for a deceived wife, such behavior is fraught with nervous disorders and health problems. To restrain impulses, you can distance yourself for a while - stay with a friend for a few days, or even better, take a vacation and go to a quiet place where no one will stop you from thinking about the situation, and will not bother you with unproductive pity. Make a decision - are you ready to save the marriage. Honestly answer yourself if there is something left in your union for which betrayal could be forgiven. Children and living together are controversial excuses. Children need a happy mother, and the comforts of everyday life are not worth fraying nerves. If you love your husband, are tied by material conditions, or simply cannot find the strength to leave, try to live in a new way. Your task is to show your husband and those around you that you are already doing well. Let all your experiences remain inside - nothing should betray the emotions you are experiencing. Temporary hobbies will remain temporary if a man has a reliable rear in the form of a strong family, and everyone is in the habit of making mistakes. Take care of your home - new furniture, rearrangements, renovations. Pay attention to yourself - fashionable clothes, diet, daily workouts, new hobbies, impressions, acquaintances. Any activity that will drive dark thoughts out of your head, at least for a while, will do. Behave calmly, confidently and with dignity - do not inquire about your mistress, do not spy, do not find out anything. Gradually and imperceptibly involve your husband in solving family problems and affairs - let him make decisions, being at the epicenter of all processes. You have to piss off your mistress, make her nervous and worried. Over time, you will either return the unfaithful husband to the family, or you will realize that you deserve more - mutual love and respect (it all depends on your goals).