Changes in the relationship between husband and wife never happen imperceptibly - an attentive woman will always notice small details that can become proof of her husband's infidelity. It is better to postpone heart-to-heart conversations for later, and now take a closer look at your husband.

Step 1
Notice if the husband has begun to pay more attention to his appearance. If earlier you were solely engaged in the selection of suits, the acquisition of things for the faithful, then a sudden interest in fashion trends and the independent purchase of new clothes should alert you. In an effort to please another woman, a man begins to carefully monitor the condition of his clothes, revise his wardrobe, change his haircut, etc.
Step 2
Pay attention to lack of sex or changes in bed behavior. The attitude of the man himself to his adultery can be twofold - either he experiences remorse, or he deeply does not care about the feelings of his wife. An indifferent man simply ends intimate relations with his wife, since his needs for sex are satisfied by another woman. The second option - the unfaithful husband seeks to make amends and behaves with his wife too tenderly, affectionately and caringly. In both cases, there is a reason to think about the reasons for the change in the husband's behavior.
Step 3
Analyze his attitude towards you. The spouse begins to deceive, get annoyed over trifles, provokes his wife into scandals - after all, he so needs a "noble" reason to leave home, slamming the door in his hearts. Constant dissatisfaction with what and how the spouse is doing, his rejection of her problems and experiences speak not just of the callousness of a person - he is no longer interested in this woman and it is a pity to waste time taking care of her.
Step 4
Change of work schedule - delays in the office, work on weekends and holidays, regular and frequent business trips: dishonest husbands try to justify themselves by working hard for the good of the family. This also includes frequent meetings with friends, sudden rush jobs and other situations that justify his frequent absences.
Step 5
If the husband began to retire with his phone in the bathroom or toilet, often go out onto the balcony or in the staircase, talking on his cell phone, then this is almost guaranteed evidence in favor of the novel on the side. He put a block on the phone, the same male friend often calls him, a capricious “client” appeared - the husband will present the situation as it is more convenient for him.