Few manage to remain the only lover for their husband throughout their lives. The reasons for cheating can be different: hobby, boredom, an attempt to find something that the wife could not give, the desire for new sensations, etc. There are also many options for getting out of an unpleasant situation, and one has to look for the most suitable one for the victims of infidelity.

Step 1
Calm down and don't panic. Having learned about her husband's betrayal, women often feel pain, anger, hatred, a keen desire for revenge, and then devastation and bitterness. Leave for a couple of days with a friend or parents, cry, talk to someone about your grief, but do not make any important decisions in the heat of the moment. Do not make scandals and, moreover, do not kick your husband out of the house. Wait until you can reason calmly.
Step 2
Decide whether you want to stay with your husband or not. Remember: in order to live with a man after infidelity, you need to be able to sincerely forgive, otherwise resentment and doubts about the loyalty of your beloved will torment you for a very long time. If you decide to break up, do it without paying attention to threats, persuasions and promises to leave your mistress. If you want to keep your family together, fight to the end.
Step 3
Try to understand what exactly pushed your husband to seek the love of his mistress. If you cannot look at the current situation from the outside, seek help from a psychologist. After finding out the cause, eliminate it. For example, if you realize that your husband just got a little carried away and decided to have a short affair, provide him with a stable and calm family life. It is unlikely that a man decides to change her for a woman who is only interesting to him in bed.
Step 4
Do not take revenge, and even more so do not have a lover in spite of your husband. When only one partner cheats, the situation can still be saved, but when both are mired in lies, there is only one way out - divorce. If you want to annoy your mistress and destroy her bond with your husband, do not act with brute force, but with cunning. For example, start sending her bouquets of flowers with passionate anonymous messages and make sure they are delivered when your husband and his mistress are together. A man will probably suspect that his mistress is cheating on him, and this will help you destroy their relationship.
Step 5
Don't get hung up on your grief. Change the interior, visit a beauty salon, get a new haircut, chat with old friends, pamper yourself with a trip to the cinema or expensive purchases, radically change your image. Strive for change and pleasant sensations, and then it will become much easier to cope with your husband's cheating.