Correctly organized, taking into account the age of the hero of the occasion and his guests, a birthday can bring a lot of joy and pleasure to the kid. At the age of 2, the child already communicates with other children, although he still does a lot unconsciously. And this day can already become special for him, and not only for his parents. Subject to constant attention from adults, the holiday will turn out to be fun and memorable.

Step 1
A small child does not expect something special from his birthday, because he simply does not know what it is. And there is no need to do something big. Due to the age of the participants in the celebration, one cannot count on their active interaction. In addition, children get tired quickly. Therefore, think well and prepare everything.
Step 2
Don't invite many guests. From 3 to 8 people is enough. Ask your parents to stay. If one of the kids suddenly starts to be capricious, mom or dad will be able to calm him down faster. Small children sleep during the day, so it is best to triple the holiday in the morning and, moreover, on a day off, so that it is convenient for parents.
Step 3
It is best to have a party at home; in the warm season, if there are a lot of guests - in the open area. You can choose an entertainment center in advance and arrange a party there. In this case, after its completion, you will not have to spend time putting things in order, and the kids will be able to play and run. If you choose this option, take big toys with you - tents, swings, cars. To avoid quarrels and resentments, make sure that some are in duplicate. Arrange the decorations.
Step 4
Think about what the children will be doing. For this age, simple games with well-understood rules are suitable, for example, "Loaf", "Edible-inedible", poetry with the performance of certain movements. Prepare a box of different clothes. Many kids love dress up games and, of course, balloons. Everyone loves them. Remember to clean up any burst balloons right away to prevent children from taking them in their mouths. Games should be short-lived and well-organized.
Step 5
The holiday treat should be bright and cooked in small portions. Animal-shaped sandwiches, small bowls with jelly, figurines of cucumbers and tomatoes, glazed biscuits, beautiful cake - all this will appeal to children. Serve the refreshments at the very last moment, before everyone is seated at the table. Offer light snacks and drinks for adults. Remove everything immediately after lunch.
Step 6
Prepare a small gift for everyone. Plastic figurines, shiny bracelets, wallets - all this does not require a lot of money, but it will bring joy to the little ones. Prepare a birthday present. At this age, the child can be presented with a set for modeling, for role-playing or story games, something intended for use in the country or in the garden, for example, an inflatable pool. All this will delight the birthday boy.
Step 7
For a holiday to end successfully, it should not be long.