Weight gain during pregnancy is physiological, and nevertheless, this process should not be left to chance. From a medical point of view, there are certain boundaries that characterize normal weight gain. Sometimes a pregnant woman has to make significant efforts to keep within them.

Step 1
Start your day by weighing. Get on the scale after using the bathroom, at about the same time before breakfast. It is advisable to keep the balance in a certain place, as unevenness in the floor can influence the result.
Step 2
Be aware that normal weight gain in the first trimester of pregnancy is only 1.5-2 kg; in the second - 0.5 kg per week, only 6-7 kg; in the third - only 4-5 kg. As for the third trimester, it has its own peculiarities: at 7-8 months, the weight should increase by 0.5 kg per week, and at 9 months, by 0.5 kg per week. It is important that the weight gain is smooth and not spasmodic. For clarity, it is helpful to plot your weight gain.
Step 3
Please note that slight deviations from the above graph are normal. In practice, it is difficult to fit into an ideal theoretical model. At the same time, a serious underweight, as well as its solid gain, should be the reason for seeking advice from your doctor-gynecologist.
Step 4
Avoid the use of salty and canned foods, smoked meats - they retain fluid in the body, and can provoke latent edema.
Step 5
Avoid high-calorie refined foods in favor of a healthy diet, which includes organic vegetables and fruits, limited eggs, lean meats and fish. Replace sweets with prunes and dates. Candied fruits are not recommended due to their high sugar content.
Step 6
Try to minimize your food intake after 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. At this time, the body prepares for sleep, the metabolic processes in it slow down and the incoming energy is often transferred to fat reserves.
Step 7
Maintain a comfortable physical activity for your position. Of course, you shouldn't jump and run. Choose safe gymnastics, try to walk more. Great if you have the opportunity to use the pool.
Step 8
In no case do not get carried away with diets, and if you are "drawn" to any product, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating it. It is widely believed that the taste preferences of a pregnant woman are dictated by the needs of the growing fetus. The diet can only be prescribed by a supervising physician.