Colic is a normal occurrence in babies in the first year of life. There are many methods to help a child relieve pain. One of them is the use of a gas outlet tube.

It is necessary
- - gas outlet pipe;
- - baby cream, petroleum jelly or vegetable oil;
- - clean diaper;
- - a diaper.
Step 1
If the child cries for a long time, his stomach is like a drum, you can use a gas tube. Remember that using a gas tube is the most extreme method. It is worth trying when other methods of getting rid of your baby from colic do not help (espumisan or plantex, stroking with the palm of your hand around the navel clockwise, a diaper warmed up by an iron, applied to the umbilical region, exercise "bicycle", pressing and abducting the bent legs to the stomach and laying your child with a bare tummy on your bare belly). Optimally, if the gas outlet tube is installed by a doctor.
Step 2
Get a sterilized or boiled flue tube stored in a clean bag, or buy one from a pharmacy.
Step 3
Lubricate it with baby cream, ordinary vegetable oil, or petroleum jelly.
Step 4
Place the baby on a clean diaper on his back. Bend its legs at the knees and press it to the stomach.
Step 5
Insert the flue pipe as deep as possible. This should be done very carefully, with twisting movements, pressing the baby's legs to the tummy. If you suddenly feel resistance while inserting the tube, stop inserting it immediately.
Step 6
With the inserted tube, twist slightly in the bottom. At the same time, stroke the baby's belly with a warm hand or do the "bike" exercise with your feet.
Step 7
Wait 2-3 minutes and remove the flue tube. Lubricate the baby's bottom with baby cream.
Step 8
Cover your baby with a diaper or diaper. Within 10-20 minutes, your child can poop periodically.
Step 9
If the gas tube does not work, the abdomen is still hard and the baby is crying, call your pediatrician.