It is believed that, being pregnant, a woman needs to protect herself from anxiety of all kinds, tune in to the positive and calmly wait for the moment the baby is born in due time. However, there are situations when it is necessary not only to get seriously worried, but also to take action - to seek advice from a gynecologist, or even call an ambulance to your home.

Step 1
Bleeding, bright red, bloody pink or dark brown vaginal discharge does not signal anything good, so it is urgent to get an examination by a specialist. Do not expect that this "will pass by itself" or "it will get a little better, then I will go to the gynecologist." Call an ambulance right away. The speed of your response to the appearance of alarming symptoms sometimes depends not only on the health, but also on the life of the unborn child.
Step 2
Frequent, cramping spasms, pain in the lower abdomen (at such moments it usually seems as if something is "pulling from the inside", and the stomach itself becomes hard and tense) is also a reason for an immediate response. Call an ambulance. Even if the alarm turns out to be false, you will at least know that everything is in order, instead of relying on the will of fate and chance.
Step 3
A fall accompanied by fainting, a blow to the head, sharp pain, dizziness is also a reason to call "03", even if it happened at night. Your health and the health of your baby are on a special account.
Step 4
An increase in temperature in pregnant women to 37-37, 4 degrees is a common phenomenon, however, if the temperature lasts for several days in a row, or exceeds thirty-seven and a half, it is better to seek the advice of a female therapist. Remember that most of the medicines that you normally use to lower your body temperature are now either generally prohibited, or can be used in limited dosages and in strictly defined cases.
Step 5
The lack of movement of the child during the day is sometimes explained by the fact that the mother was too busy to listen to herself. However, there may be a much less favorable explanation for this. Therefore, if it seems to you that the child does not make itself felt for too long, it's time to rush for advice, and not to his mother, but to an appointment at the antenatal clinic. There they will listen to the heartbeat of your baby, and if necessary, they will send you for an ultrasound scan.
Take care of yourself and be healthy!