Some psychological studies prove that male infidelity is considered normal, being a natural source of extra energy, novelty, and unconsciousness. This is a purely physiological factor in human existence. Loyalty, in turn, is formed within the framework of culture, but in no way given by nature. It is for this reason that husbands prefer to have relationships on the side from time to time.

Step 1
In some cases, cheating on the part of the husband helps the latter to stabilize his life, thanks to which the representatives of the stronger sex get rid of neuroses and, as a result, show more zeal for keeping the hearth. But it also happens when betrayal gives rise to emotional experiences, causes internal protest, melancholy and many psychological problems. If you find out that your spouse has occasional connections on the side, understand that an affair is not a new love. It is not caused by any deep feelings, but is only a way to increase self-esteem and self-esteem.
Step 2
Most often, for women, male infidelity is considered a betrayal, as a result of which they cease to believe in their husbands and in the existence of justice throughout the world. In such cases, offended spouses make a common mistake when they try to find out the reasons for treason, rummage in the past and look for flaws in themselves, because they blame themselves for everything. Consequently, the fairer sex appears to hate her lover. They regard him as a family breaker and happiness. Then there is depression, threats, curses, requests to return and other nonsense. But this will not achieve a solution to the problem. First of all, as psychologists recommend, you need to calm down and think about everything well, and then determine the possibility of living together with a cheater.
Step 3
In order to save your nerves, you should not panic, admitting thoughts about the hopelessness of the situation or, God forbid, suicide. Depression cannot be given will, it is worth starting to think logically about how to live on, what will change after what happened if family relations are preserved, what will you achieve by divorce, whether you will be happy when you are left alone.
Step 4
It should be understood that more than one woman is faced with adultery. And this does not mean that you are in some way inferior to your mistress. Look at the situation from the other side. Betrayal is an unpleasant thing, but it doesn't make you worse. Most likely, adultery speaks of some problems in the marriage, having sorted out which, you will be able to establish the old warm and trusting relationship.
Step 5
If you find out about the betrayal of your beloved man, but want to save your family and try to calm yourself down, understand that despite adventures that happen only for fun, your spouse lives with you, does not break off relations and loves only you. If he was in love with another woman, you definitely would not be able to keep him.
Step 6
Make your man worry. Let him know that you can slip away from him. Now you have the right to make your own rules. Show that you are a woman who can please other members of the stronger sex.