Why Women Marry Unloved

Why Women Marry Unloved
Why Women Marry Unloved

About a third of all women who decide to tie the knot do not like their chosen one - this is the sad conclusion reached by British sociologist Jennifer Gouwain during research. Over the question of what prompts them to take this step, you can ponder endlessly and never come to a definite answer. Along with this, there are many reasons why women marry unloved, and each of them has the right to life.

Why women marry unloved
Why women marry unloved

The years go by

When a woman crosses a certain age line, while remaining an "old maid", she may decide to marry someone who she does not love, but is always there and ready to make her a party. It can be an old friend or colleague, neighbor or companion of the best friend's husband. Anyone. The woman understands that the best years are leaving for marriage, the construction of a cozy home nest, the birth of children, etc. And she can convince herself that there is nothing further to wait, that in the future there is only work, lonely evenings and envy of friends who have been married for a long time or have already managed to divorce and reconnect fate with someone.

The age limit when it is time to get married is determined by each woman for herself. For one it is 30 years, for another 35, and someone even at 25 thinks that her train is leaving and you need to have time to jump on the last carriage.

Fear of loneliness

A girl can jump out to marry literally the first person she meets, if by this moment all her friends already have families. She is pushed down the aisle by the fear of loneliness, as well as the painful realization that she is worse than others, that no one is looking at her and does not want to build strong and long-term relationships. In this situation, it is important not to acquire complexes and not fall into despair. As a rule, the fear of loneliness at a young age is a contrived problem that time will help to solve.

It is another matter if we are talking about a not very young woman or even an elderly woman. Such a lady can marry the unloved, using this opportunity as the last chance of salvation from the coming lonely old age.

The last chance

The last chance to marry even someone you don't love can come at any age. But more often it still happens to older women. Of course, love can inadvertently appear in these years, but there is simply no time to patiently wait for it. And who will condemn an elderly lady if she connects her life with a worthy person, albeit unloved, but reliable and understanding.

Hopelessness, heartache

If a dramatic event happened in a woman's life (divorce, abandoned or changed her husband), then in order to muffle the pain of loss, she seeks to quickly connect fate with another person. Unloved, but perhaps sharing her pain. One moment is sad in this situation - if a woman continues to love her ex-husband. It is unlikely that she will find comfort in a new marriage …

Desire to leave parents

It often happens in life that the longer parents and children live together, the more disagreements and misunderstandings arise in their relationship. For example, a father and mother need peace, and a daughter wants to invite friends over and have fun. There comes a moment when she is no longer able to withstand living together, and, as soon as a suitable opportunity to get married, she uses it, just to get away from her parents.

It happens that parents, wishing to marry their daughter as soon as possible, find her a more or less suitable candidate and convince her that there may be no more such a chance - the years go by, and the queues from the suitors are not visible, but this one agrees …

Profitable party

The man is rich, successful, influential. Made a marriage proposal. To refuse is stupid, to agree - but what about love? The woman begins to weigh the pros and cons before accepting the offer. Quite often calculation takes over. You can't wait for love, it does not come to everyone, and to miss such a chance is simply ridiculous, then you will bite your elbows all your life. Than without love and without money, it is better without love and with money. All this, of course, is very personal and individual, but judging a woman for such a decision is a thankless task.


The most stupid and unreasonable option is to marry someone you don't love out of revenge, to spite someone. More often - to the ex-fiancé or husband, sometimes - to a friend, less often - to parents, relatives. Perhaps such a marriage did not bring happiness to anyone. In this context, he represents an unimaginable torture for both, with a sad outcome.
