Drug addiction is a disease. And, like any disease, it has its own external symptoms that make it possible to recognize a drug addict. They say that experienced drug therapists are sometimes able to "figure out" such people literally in the crowd, out of the corner of their eye. Drug addiction is formed gradually, and if loved ones noticed the signs of drug addiction in time and took action, it can save a person's life and health.

Step 1
One of the indirect signs of drug use is sudden, sudden changes in mood or physical activity. Just now, a person was lethargic or annoyed - and now, for no reason, he already fell into euphoria.
Step 2
Sleep changes. During addiction to drugs, the "lark" can turn into an "owl" or vice versa, and its life rhythms can change quite dramatically.
Step 3
Fluctuations in appetite and changes in eating habits. A person who used to be a "little one" can turn into a glutton, and vice versa. The diet can also be disrupted - without showing any interest in food throughout the day, the addict can literally pounce on food in the evening.
Step 4
In a state of drug intoxication, the pupils can be greatly narrowed - or, on the contrary, extremely dilated (as often happens when frightened). At the same time, the eyes shine.
Step 5
External signs of drug addiction usually do not appear immediately - this is the lot of experienced drug addicts. As a rule, these are clothes with long sleeves, allowing you to hide the marks of injections; a detached look and a sloppy look, slurred and inhibited speech, slow and awkward movements. In general, the addict often resembles a person who is intoxicated, but the smell of alcohol is absent.