A real tragedy in the life of any family is the husband who is a drug addict. A person not only harms himself, destroying his body and soul, but also destroys the lives of loved ones, puts them in danger. The wife's attitude to the problem must become conscious and correct.

Not everyone can understand and accept that a loved one is in trouble. The most sensible thing a wife can do in such a situation is to give up what everyone used to think of as help. That is, stop swearing, admonishing, demanding and asking - remember, a person with an addiction, roughly speaking, does not care about your feelings and words. Realize that it is you who can change nothing - you will not force the addict to give up the addiction. The next step is to learn to separate your husband from his illness. This is important because you must continue to love the person and hate and despise their illness. Do not take responsibility for his recovery, habits and lifestyle, stop patronizing him. This psychological technique will help the person realize how lonely he is in his problem and stop speculating about the feelings of the woman he loves. All your attempts to send your husband for compulsory treatment will usually fail. This is a natural result - he is being treated in order to calm you down. And therefore, as soon as he finds himself in the same environment, he immediately breaks down. Another common mistake is to call for help from his and his parents, relatives, friends and acquaintances. This behavior will only alienate you from each other and give rise to constant talk, gossip and endless pity. Do not try to find fault in what happened in your behavior and lifestyle - there may be a bit of common sense in this, but keep your reasoning to yourself. Otherwise, you will give the addict a reason to blame himself for the situation, which will only increase your inner discomfort. Feeling sorry for your beloved husband, you can pay off his debts, succumb to provocations and accept tons of lies - be able to firmly resist threats and extortion, do not fall for tricks. Only by giving up your stubborn struggle with windmills and placing responsibility for what is happening with your spouse will you really show your love and give the person a chance to recover. If the situation is complicated by the presence of children, then there is only one way out - to leave the husband alone. Drug addicts are unpredictable and it is very dangerous for children to be near an addicted person. Think first of all about yourself and your children, try to ensure a safe existence for your family.