Pisces includes those men who were born from February 21 to March 20. If you believe the horoscopes, then the representatives of this sign are quite romantic, touchy and sensitive. They are wonderful interlocutors who are looking for a kindred spirit in the woman they love. To win the love of Pisces, you need to be patient and behave like a fisherman waiting for the bite to begin.

Step 1
To get a Pisces man interested in you, you need to instill in him confidence that you have many common points of contact, common hobbies and interests. If you can support him in the conversation, you will correctly and timely comment on his statements, unmistakably identify the sources of the quotes sounded in his speech, then rest assured - the Fish is interested in the bait and in his thoughts is already carnivore looking at it in order to swallow it.
Step 2
Pisces has one trait that many use for selfish purposes - they are not indifferent to the misfortunes of others, therefore they are often forced to take on an arrogant and unapproachable appearance in order to scare away petitioners from themselves. Do not be confused by this - contact Pisces with some small request for help or service - he will not be able to refuse and you will have a reason for further meetings and communication. Just do not overdo it, so as not to frighten off the cautious Fish and so that he does not suspect you of self-interest.
Step 3
Do not show Pisces your interest in him as a lover. Emphasize your friendly feelings in every way. The fish is indecisive and only your coquetry with someone outsider will help him show his feelings and declare his love.
Step 4
When your Fish has already "swallowed the bait", then try not to frighten it off, otherwise it can get off the hook and gain freedom even at the cost of a torn lip. Never be rude, vulgar or aggressive towards this man or towards others. This can instantly cool all the love ardor of Pisces. Appreciate the manifestations of romance, to which men of this type are so generous, and show it yourself - write him affectionate SMS messages, give small surprise gifts.
Step 5
Do not be intimidated by its seeming impracticality, your shoulder at the right time can be the starting point for a push up. Feeling the strength and support that you give him, the Pisces man will be able to achieve great success. And he will always appreciate this quality of yours, and will always remember that you helped him achieve what he wanted.