People born under the sign of Pisces are often not too decisive in love and prefer to wait until happiness comes to them, rather than achieve what they want. That is why those who are in love with a representative of this sign should learn how to take the first steps themselves.

Step 1
Become the ideal Pisces to win the heart of a loved one. Representatives of this zodiac sign love strong, confident, but at the same time soft, smart, sensitive people. Give up cynicism, cruel ridicule of someone, as well as attempts to ground your potential soul mate and make her give up her dreams. Remember that Pisces does not tolerate rudeness.
Step 2
Pay attention to your appearance. Representatives of this sign often have excellent artistic taste and do not like people who dress vulgarly, too loudly or simply ridiculous. Refinement attracts Pisces much more than ostentatious luxury.
Step 3
Watch your manners. Calm, gentle Pisces love balanced, noble, intelligent people who know how to behave in society. Of course, you can be cheerful, hot-tempered, passionate person, but try not to show rudeness or arrogance at the same time.
Step 4
Take care of the Fish. Representatives of this sign are easily attached to those who often show them signs of attention. Congratulate on the holidays, wish good night, give albeit trivial, but pleasant gifts, do small whims. Remember that dates are important to Pisces. For example, you might surprise me that a whole month has passed since you met. This will show your loved one how important he is to you.
Step 5
Flirt more daringly if you want to conquer the Fish. Representatives of this sign, as a rule, understand hints very well and notice special looks and gestures addressed to them. Use smiles and touch. When you find yourself giving in, you can start acting a little more assertive. However, refrain from aggressive methods or overly intrusive courtship, as well as overly rude sentences that can offend sensitive Pisces.