Every girl, having met a nice guy, wants to fall in love with him, and having won, keep him. There are several secrets in life that will help to conquer any guy and win his love.

Step 1
Try to look great at all times. A man, everyone knows he loves with his eyes. Just don't need to put on a lot of makeup on yourself. The stronger sex loves well-groomed and natural girls.
Step 2
Share his hobbies. Ask what he enjoys and what his hobbies are. Always try to support his interests and, if necessary, be interested in the same. Learn to play chess, go to football with him if he is crazy about these events. This will bring you closer, because he will see that you have a lot in common.
Step 3
Be a mystery. Don't tell him about your past life until he asks about it. And even if he asks, do not tell everything in detail, perhaps according to your lifestyle he will understand that he was not looking for such an ideal woman as you. He does not need to tell him about his ex-boyfriends, all the more to reproach him for doing something differently from them.
Step 4
Remain unavailable for a while. Men don't like readily available women. If you have a strong crush on a guy - postpone sex, if you want to be with him for a long time. Extend the romantic period: kissing, night walks under the moon, dating.
Step 5
With your versatility, hit the guy. Sign up for karate, go diving and start collecting something. Tell him about your hobbies, he will appreciate it.
Step 6
Make every meeting unforgettable. Not only should men surprise women, but vice versa. Do not hesitate to give an ordinary trinket on the topic of love, compose and read a verse, surprise with something special. Let him know that only with you he will acquire truly true happiness.