Love is the most beautiful feeling on earth. It brings a feeling of inner harmony, endless happiness, gives a completely new meaning to every event and deed. But all this is true only when love is mutual. There is nothing sadder and heavier than unrequited affection. Therefore, from time immemorial, people are ready for anything to find reciprocity. It is no coincidence that there is a saying that "in love and in war, all means are good."

It is necessary
Patience, self-confidence, self-control and endurance
Step 1
First of all, to assess the current situation objectively and without illusions. Once you have made the decision to fight a decisive battle for your happiness, tune in to a long and cold-blooded struggle. As NLP experts note, it is easier to take a person out of an already existing relationship than to win a free one. However, a number of conditions must be met here, without which nothing will work. First of all, the relationship in a couple must be well-established and the period of the first acute love is over. This condition is very important. If the romantic period is not over yet, the object of your hunt will see only your beloved, and in the most ideal and sublime image. And none of your merits will help distract him from the desired goal. So in this case, it remains only to step aside and wait for a more favorable opportunity. But if the first love has subsided and the "rose-colored glasses" of enthusiasm begin to slip a little, it's time to start taking action.
Step 2
The second important condition for a successful conquest is that you must enter the same circle as the couple you are interested in. This is necessary in order for you to be able to communicate freely with your victim and play in contrasts. This method is very effective when you need to oppose yourself favorably in relation to your opponent. Only in no case should you try to compete with her in something, it is absolutely not profitable for you. The best thing here is to find what your rival "does not give" to her partner and replace her in this. Moreover, you will find yourself in a more advantageous position, since the guy has no expectations towards you - you do not owe him anything. Even if the opponent is generous to her pair in absolutely everything, this is also your advantage. Just identify where she is "overdoing" and do the opposite. For example, she is overly caring and attentive - demonstrate that you respect a man's personal freedom and value his independence; she talks too much - emphasize your ability to listen with interest; she hangs on him and constantly needs help - show that you are an independent, independent woman. This tactic will arouse some interest in you from the man's side.
Step 3
Never criticize or ridicule your rival. On the contrary, in the presence of your future lover, try to praise her as much as possible. Commenting with admiration on any of her actions, you simultaneously achieve two goals: you get the opportunity to devalue even the most successful step of your opponent in the eyes of her partner and provoke him to deliberately look for her shortcomings in order to refute your statement. For example, the girl said something stupid. Don't laugh or criticize. Just emphatically sympathize: "Well, yes, we are all not perfect, it happens." She successfully chose a gift for him - refer to her professionalism in love affairs: a real heartbreaker, she always knows how to please a man. With such seemingly innocent comments, you seek to separate the couple and sow distrust. And there is nothing to blame you for - you only praise.
Step 4
Another most effective technique is demonstrative respect. You in no way claim his attention and fully acknowledge all the rights of your rival to this man. Demonstrating outwardly your respect for the rights of your rival and deliberately stepping into the shadows, you thereby deprive her of her boyfriend of your society, become inaccessible to him. And what could be more attractive than a forbidden fruit? Following these simple tips, you yourself will not notice how quickly and easily you get what you want. And then the time will come to think whether it was worth it. After all, it is no coincidence that the people say that "you cannot build your happiness on someone else's misfortune," and no one canceled personal responsibility for their actions.