How to win a woman's heart? If earlier men fought for the heart of a beautiful lady at tournaments, performed feats in her honor, today more peaceful methods are used to attract the attention of a girl they like. There is no one-size-fits-all way to win a woman's heart. Each girl has her own ideas about how a man should look after her, how to behave. But still, there are some points that most women pay attention to and which will help to achieve success in this business.

Step 1
If you are going to attract the attention of a girl you like, then your appearance is of great importance. And we are not talking about appearance, but about the image as a whole. A man can have a sporty figure, a courageous face, but if he is wearing dirty trousers, a wrinkled shirt, if an unpleasant smell comes from him, then the girl is unlikely to pay attention to such a character. Clean, ironed clothes, pleasant aroma, well-groomed appearance will create a pleasant first impression of you.
Step 2
Self-confidence, self-confidence attracts many women. Many people associate it with success, luck. A man who knows what he wants from life and stubbornly goes to his goal, attracts not only women, but also other people around him. But don't confuse confidence with overconfidence. It is unlikely that the girl will like it if you demonstrate your superiority over her.
Step 3
A positive attitude, a benevolent smile can attract the attention of even the most unapproachable girl. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a cheerful person than with a dull, boring and sad one. If a man knows how to make a woman laugh, then this is a huge plus. But you shouldn't become a clown either, because at first it can be attractive, but with a longer acquaintance it can cause irritation.
Step 4
Women love with their ears, so compliment the girl and admire her. But you do not need to over-praise the dignity of your lady, it may look feigned and unnatural. Everything should be in moderation.
Step 5
Be gallant. Take care of the girl, listen to what she tells you. This will show that you care about her. Today there are so few gentlemen left that such your behavior will be surprising for a woman, but pleasant.
Step 6
You can make an impression on a girl by doing some non-standard act. In modern life, there is almost no room for feat, so any of your original actions can help to win the heart of a woman. And it is not necessary to jump from the roof of the house for this. Even a romantic evening in an unusual setting or an unusual place will give your darling a sea of positive emotions.
Step 7
Light touches can tell about your attitude towards a woman. For example, gently take her hand, touch her shoulder, invite her to dance, and in it gently hug her around the waist. Only by performing these actions, watch the girl's reaction, and if you see that she is not ready for this stage of the relationship, it is better to postpone it until better times. Persistent touching and intrusion into her personal zone can destroy everything that has been achieved by you earlier.