It can be difficult for young parents to realize that a hysterical child is the result of their own upbringing. But this must be done if tantrums are part of a daily ritual. Patience and unity of requirements are the main trump cards of parents in this situation.

Step 1
Often, young mothers and fathers underestimate the level of understanding of what is happening with their child. But even in a year, the baby realizes a lot, especially the way in which you can achieve your goal. It is at this moment that the problem of hysterics arises, the conflict between the child's "want" and the parent's "not allowed."
Step 2
Remember that "no" is something that is never, anywhere and under any circumstances! For example, you cannot play with an electrical outlet, you cannot touch a boiling kettle, you cannot run or play on the road. “Don't” should refer to vital safety measures for the child. Observe the unity of requirements, but do not abuse this word, otherwise it may lose its significance. All other prohibitions of parents can be expressed in a milder form, for example, "Don't, …", be sure to explain to the kid why you shouldn't do this.
Step 3
Another important technique is switching the child's attention. Children under one and a half to two years old very easily switch from a forbidden subject to a beautiful car driving by, or to a green grasshopper sitting in the grass. It is enough for mom to say the cherished phrase brightly and with the expression: "Oh, look, what a big truck has gone!". At first, you may think that constantly coming up with something intriguing childish attention is very difficult. And there is. But only at first. Later it becomes a habit and does not cause any difficulties.
Step 4
It is especially important to learn how to switch children's attention at the age of one year: it is at this time that all the problems associated with whims and tantrums begin. Remember: your baby shouldn't have the habit of screaming hysterically to get what he wants. As soon as you give in at least once, everything is lost. Then you will have to reintroduce the rules for a long time and persistently, and this requires much more effort from both the mother and the child.
Step 5
There are situations when none of the above methods helps - the child is capricious for any reason. Find out what is bothering your baby. After all, everyone knows that a healthy child is cheerful and in a good mood. Perhaps the baby is sick or teething. In such situations, you can be more forgiving in prohibitions, the child is bad and he is not ready to perceive information. But as soon as the disease goes away, it is important to return all the rules as soon as possible and without exceptions.