How To React To A Child's Tantrum

How To React To A Child's Tantrum
How To React To A Child's Tantrum

By about three years old, the child is trying in every possible way to defend his "I". At the same time, some cry, others stomp their feet and roll on the floor, others rush at their mother with fists, etc. How to behave in such cases in order to get out of a conflict situation with minimal psychological losses.

Of course, it is better to prevent hysteria, for this there are a number of rules that the child must clearly know from childhood. For example, do not go into the socket, do not cross the road on your own, do not touch knives and scissors, etc. The child should have the right to choose: “Are you going to eat soup or porridge? Are you going to eat now or after the cartoon? The child understands that he will have to eat, but what and when, the baby will decide for himself.

An incipient hysteria can be recognized by several signs: the baby holds his breath, purses his lips, tears appear in his eyes, etc. In such cases, you need to quickly switch his attention to something else, offer a toy, draw together or read a book.

But sometimes it happens that it was not possible to stop the hysteria and the scandal is in full swing. What to do in such cases?

Stay resilient. Most often, children start tantrums in crowded places: shops, clinics, public transport. Mom, fearing the condemnation of others, feeling guilty for this behavior of the baby, tries to persuade the child, and if it does not help, then scream or beat the child. Here you need to try to abstract from others and act in your own interests and the interests of the child.

Be a container for your baby's emotions. First, you need to understand what happens to the child during a hysteria. Having received a refusal in anything, he first gets upset, then gets angry, behaves inappropriately. The child can no longer get out of this state on his own and the hysteria continues to grow. In a state of passion, he no longer hears his mother and does not respond to persuasion. In no case should you stand in silence and wait for the end of the hysteria, you should not leave the baby alone with his emotions, this greatly traumatizes the child's psyche. There is no need to continue to scold the child or say "no", it is worth trying to understand the feelings and emotions of the child, withstand his hatred and the baby will cry and calm down.

During a tantrum, the baby must be hugged, picked up, if possible, carried to another place. If the tantrum happened at home, you can wrap the child in a blanket and pamper. When the child has practically calmed down, you need to invite him to breathe deeply, drink some water, etc.

After a tantrum, it is advisable to stay close to the child, explain him and his behavior. Tell about the moments in which the behavior of the baby was pleasant to you.
