Every parent has faced (or will still face) such a phenomenon as childish tantrum. In fact, it is nothing more than a theatrical production aimed exclusively at public catharsis. In the course of long-term studies of child behavior, it has been found that no toddler will ever start a “show” without first making sure that at least one “spectator” is listening to him. It is easy to guess that the duration of the “scene” directly depends on the “spectator's” reaction.

Step 1
Try to keep your child busy. Offer, for example, to go for a walk or to captivate him with some musical toy (drum, accordion, pipe). In fact, music has a very beneficial effect on the child's psyche. In principle, any creative process that requires concentration can calm the baby down. Give him crayons, pencils, paints, plasticine, etc. Remember that a lot depends on the tone in which you address the baby. In fact, a calm, balanced request arrives much faster than a loud order, breaking into a shout.
Step 2
Try to simply ignore your toddler's hysterical behavior for at least 5-10 minutes. Make it a goal not to communicate with him at all during this short period of time. As a result, the child will give up vain attempts to induce participation in his person through hysteria. After he comes to his senses, reward him with communication, not forgetting, at the same time, in a calm tone to explain that such antics will not meet with your sympathy.
Step 3
If the hysteria began to drag on, take the baby to a room where he can be left alone with his own emotions. Before leaving him, make sure he is safe there and he cannot injure himself. Then leave the room. The principle of operation of this method of dealing with hysteria is the same - there is no viewer, therefore, there is no one for whom to throw a tantrum.
Step 4
It happens that the "drama" is played out right on the street or in a store. In such a situation, be patient and wait for the child to get bored. Of course, you can try to distract the "young actor" from the raging passions. Although, it is unlikely that you will succeed, given that the hall will be a full house. But don't get away with this behavior. When the passions subside - explain to the kid that he behaved incorrectly and upset you very much. Otherwise, your every appearance will be accompanied by similar antics.