How To Respond To Your Child's Problems And Failures At School

How To Respond To Your Child's Problems And Failures At School
How To Respond To Your Child's Problems And Failures At School

Not all parents can say that the school life of their children flew by unnoticed, without difficulties and failures. However, most are likely to agree with the idea that many problems could have been avoided if they had experience or a good counselor.

For everything that happens to the child until the age of majority, the parents are responsible
For everything that happens to the child until the age of majority, the parents are responsible

In any case, for a child, mom and dad are the main authority and the ultimate authority.

For everything that happens to the child until the age of majority, the parents are responsible. Therefore, it is very important that, before joining the children's team, he knows how to communicate correctly, speak the language of communication and understand what can be allowed in his behavior and what is not. To give an example, elementary and high school students often play games during breaks that can be dangerous both for them and for those around them. And if in the course of such a game they run into another child on the run, then this may result in injury. Then the parents will be summoned to the school (well, if not to the court). The teacher in such a situation can only make a remark. Are all children accustomed to react to comments? In this case, the child may sincerely not understand that he is to blame. And here it is very important that the parents imagine the situation as a whole, and do not rush to immediately defend the child at all costs.

Tip 1: when a conflict situation arises, do not go into conflict yourself. Listen to your child first, then to the teacher. Try to understand what is the fault of your child, and what is the other side. If the question is complex, do not neglect the advice of a lawyer and other specialists. And in any case, do not arrange demonstrative educational actions for your child in the presence of strangers. Even if you are convinced that the child is to blame, the only thing that is appropriate is to say: "Everything is clear. We will talk at home." And at home just to talk and nothing else.

If your child has learning difficulties

It looks very funny when parents who studied averagely at school demand that children bring high marks in the diary. But even if you yourself graduated from school with a gold medal, this does not mean that your abilities were passed on to your child. Genetics - the lady is not very predictable. It takes very little to avoid family stress due to poor school performance. Let the kids do more of their favorite subjects, even if it's physical education or technology. Olympiads are also held in these subjects and you can achieve high results. And for subjects you don't like, you need to agree that the grades will be no lower than 3.

The basic principle for bad grades: Received 2 - Immediately close the higher grade. It is good when parents remember the school curriculum and can help the child with homework on their own. It's not bad if the family has extra money to consult a specialist (not everyone needs a permanent tutor). But if there is neither one nor the other? Then you need to adhere to a simple rule when checking homework: first, the child must learn and tell the rules (they are in almost all textbooks), then the written task is performed using the rules. When doing homework on oral subjects, it is important to prepare a retelling in stages: first, learn the main thing (dates, stages, definitions), then examples (actions, experiences, characteristics).

Tip 2: To help your child properly with homework, ask the teacher for guidance on the preparation steps. Thus, you will find out what the requirements are.

If your child has difficulty communicating with other children

The children's community, if it is not controlled by adults, is a very tough environment in which conflict situations regularly occur. This is especially true for boys. Therefore, when entering school and further, you regularly need to talk with your child about all the problems that arise in order to keep your finger on the pulse. Unfortunately, very often one has to deal with a situation when children, even in their older adolescence, are not aware of the legal consequences of their actions. For example, not everyone understands that swearing at school is an administrative offense, which can be followed by a fine, and assault in response to an insult is an even more serious offense. In the end, the parents again have to answer for everything.

Tip 3: If your child is offended at school, do not try to sort things out with the abuser yourself. Be sure to contact the teacher and ask for an invitation to his parent's three-way talk. If this does not work, you have every right to contact the law enforcement agencies.
