Surely each of you is much more pleasant to communicate with people who take care of themselves. You don't have to go to the beauty salon every week and buy new things to look tidy. All you need to do is clean clothes and shoes, a washed head, nail polish and a slight scent of cologne, not sweat. Only now women remember this much more often than men.

Step 1
In the modern world, of course, there are men who pay a lot of attention to their appearance. In most cases, these are successful people who are pleasant to work with. But there are situations when your boyfriend or husband just doesn't want to waste their time on "stupid things." In such cases, it remains only gradually, step by step, to accustom him to personal hygiene.
Step 2
A woman is a creature who will find a way out of any situation. She has a huge number of tricks in her arsenal, with the help of which she makes men do what they do not want to do at all. Let's put these skills to good use.
Step 3
First, it is very easy for a man to be scared. No matter how strong they are, most are frightened by the very thought of various diseases and related visits to the doctor. What can we say about the hospital. Thus, you have every chance to simply scare your loved one. Tell him about the illnesses that can appear if you do not take care of yourself. Believe me, the next day a man will have a razor and a toothbrush in his hands.
Step 4
Remember to praise and encourage a man who keeps himself clean. One phrase "You smell so delicious", thrown as if by chance, is enough for your loved one to run into the shower every day.
Step 5
If you want a man to change his underwear on a regular basis, it is enough to put it in the shower yourself. At first, he may even be flattered by such care, but soon he will get used to this procedure.
Step 6
Well, there are no problems at all with shoes. Surely hundreds of thousands of women know about this miraculous method: you just need to clean one shoe every day. Even in a rush to work, no man would wear such a strange pair of shoes.
Step 7
Whether he wants to or not, he will have to clean the second shoe. If you regularly repeat this procedure, then soon the beloved will start to take care of his shoes himself.
Step 8
Try it and you will see that these methods are much better than daily remarks to the man.