"Sub Simplex" for newborns is a drug suspension with a low viscosity, its color can vary from white to gray-white. This drug is sold in dropper bottles, 1 milliliter of the product contains 25 drops.

The purpose of the means "Sub Simplex" for newborns is to reduce the manifestations of flatulence. The use of this drug can significantly reduce the surface tension, slow down the formation and contribute to the complete destruction of gas bubbles throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Gases, the release of which occurs as a result of the use of the means "Sub Simplex" for newborns, are eliminated due to the fact that peristalsis improves, and they are absorbed by the intestinal walls. Thus, the destruction of foam occurs in a natural physical way, while no chemical reactions are observed, which is due to the pharmacological inertness of the drug.
"Sub Simplex" for newborns is highly recommended for use before X-ray or ultrasound examination of the baby's organs. Its use prevents the appearance of any graphic distortions of images and does not allow the appearance of various interference. Thanks to this drug, a beneficial and full-fledged irrigation of the colon mucosa with a contrast agent occurs, as a result of which rupture of the contrast film is prevented.
The use of "Sub Simplex" is recommended if the baby has hiccups. The tool does an excellent job with this phenomenon, improving the child's overall well-being.
The drug "Sub Simplex" is completely excreted through the intestine in its original form. For newborns, the drug is added in an amount of 0, 6 ml or 15 drops. The product mixes wonderfully with any liquid, as well as with milk. For children under 6 years of age, the addition of the specified drug is made in the amount of 15 drops, it can be taken both after meals and during meals. If the need arises, then it is additionally necessary to take it before the child goes to bed.
If necessary, after a preliminary consultation with a specialist, an increase in the single dose of the drug is allowed. Depending on the clinical picture of the disease, the duration of taking "Sub Simplex" also varies. Long-term drug therapy as prescribed by a doctor is quite acceptable.
Suspension "Sub Simplex" should be taken only after or during the consumption of food. For babies, the drug is given from a spoon before starting feeding. Shake the bottle thoroughly before using the suspension.
When planning an ultrasound examination (ultrasound), it is necessary to take 15 ml of the drug in the evening, on the eve of the day of the procedure, and 15 ml three hours before the start. In preparation for the X-ray procedure, 15 to 30 ml of the drug is taken the day before before going to bed, and the next day a qualitative study is already carried out. If an endoscopy procedure is planned, it is necessary to take from 2 to 5 ml of the drug before starting it.