Entering primary school is the first major challenge for a child. His daily routine is changing, new tasks are being set. In addition, many new people appear around the baby - classmates and teachers. In such a stressful environment, it can be difficult for him to readjust and get involved in his studies.

Step 1
Work with your child. Try to teach him to read syllables. An alphabet or an ABC book will help you with this. To teach your toddler how to write letters and simple words, use school curriculum. Also, practice counting to one hundred with your child. Of course, these requirements are not mandatory for all schools, but in any case, it will be easier for him to master the first grade program.
Step 2
Teach your child to take care of themselves and their clothes. Explain to him that at school he must look after his own appearance. Your toddler needs to learn how to dress, tie shoelaces, brush her hair, use a handkerchief, and know the basics of hygiene.
Step 3
Cultivate a healthy and healthy habit of eating breakfast before school. For a homemade morning meal, oatmeal is suitable, to which you can add berries or fruits. This is the healthiest and healthiest breakfast ever. If you don't have time to cook rolled oats, buy oatmeal or cornflakes with calcium that you can pour over with milk.
Step 4
Buy stationery and school clothes. Find out in advance what form is provided for primary school students in the school your child will be attending. You can buy ready-made clothes or order them from a dressmaker. In the first case, go to the store as early as possible and preferably on a weekday. At the end of August, it will be difficult for you to make purchases due to the annual rush.
Step 5
Contact the clinic and make sure that by school age your child has received all the necessary vaccinations for the prevention of diseases such as measles, diphtheria, tetanus, mumps, rubella, polio. Otherwise, your baby may not undergo a medical examination, which is necessarily appointed before admission to the first grade.
Step 6
Get a handy knapsack for your student to put textbooks, notebooks, a diary, and a pencil case with writing supplies. The straps of the backpack should be wide enough so as not to cause pain in the shoulders. Do not in any way buy your child a bag that needs to be carried on one shoulder. Such accessories will ruin the baby's posture.