There are many examples when it was thanks to the parents that the child became a world celebrity. If you decide to make a star out of your baby, try to properly prepare him for the upcoming castings.

Do you need auditions?
Shooting young children in advertising is considered one of the most profitable ways to promote related products. That is why the demand for cute faces of babies is increasing every year. There are hundreds of agencies in Moscow that will help your little one start the path to fame. If you decide that you want to see your child on glossy pages or on TV, take a real look at the situation. Remember that this kind of work is unlikely to benefit the baby. If your baby is too excitable, does not sleep well, is often naughty, it may be better to give up this venture until he grows up. Even 10 minutes of flash photography and loud voices of strangers can be stressful for your child.
Of course, very many children tolerate castings and subsequent filming without any problems. As a result, you will have wonderful professional photos, as well as videos or publications with your child.
Moreover, if your toddler has a non-standard appearance, other companies or agents may notice him, and as a result, the child can become a star.
Baby's comfort is the basis for success
Try to get as much information as possible about where and how the casting will take place. Often, companies can invite more than 1000 babies for selection, so be prepared for a long wait and stock up on everything you need. If you are taking a baby to a casting, think about where you can feed and put him to sleep.
By the time of direct selection, the baby must be full, cheerful and clean, otherwise he will have too little chance of drawing attention to himself.
Take several sets of clean clothes, diapers, wet wipes, disposable diapers, blanket, water, baby food, and a rattle. Keep in mind that the room can be cold, noisy, hot, stuffy, so give preference to layered clothing that is easy to unbutton and put on. Remember that you will be photographed, so choose bright colors without replicated characters or logos. Avoid white or black tones, as well as striped or checked clothes.
Even the smallest children can react with a smile or a kind of laugh to your nursery rhymes, songs, swaying. Find a method that you can use to make your baby laugh or calm quickly.
Castings for older kids
From 2-3 years old, your child will already understand where he is being taken and what awaits him. At this age, you can already teach him to effectively present himself. During this period, children can be very touching and artistic. Learn a short rhyme or song with him, teach him to smile and answer basic questions.
Do not allow your child to play or run too actively before casting. Otherwise, at a crucial moment, he will already be overworked and overly excited.
At this age, the psychological attitude is extremely important for the baby. On the one hand, he must perceive everything that happens as an exciting game, and on the other hand, he must behave quite seriously and adequately. Prepare your child for possible failures, because there will be a lot of them on the way to success. The kid should not experience the stress of not being chosen. Prepare a consolation prize in advance and teach you to take rejection easily and calmly.