How fast time flies! Quite recently, we were struggling with the problem of how to adapt to a child in kindergarten, and already it is necessary to prepare for school. Today they prepare for school almost from birth. People have come up with so many methods and courses! In schools, it is almost necessary to pass exams in order for the child to be taken to the first grade. In these worries, parents forget about the main thing: psychological preparation for one of the most important stages in life.

Why is the child not ready for school
It is necessary to prepare not only for the child, but for the whole family. Parents received their education in the post-Soviet era, and grandparents witnessed the education of the Soviet era. Currently, values have changed dramatically, and this is confirmed even at the highest level.
The first thing any parent should learn is to control the emotional state of the child. Unfortunately, we do not have such a culture. In the modern bustle, there is not enough time for this. At school, each teacher offers his own methodology and gives students a load, often without thinking about their health and abilities. The child experiences stress, as a result of which his health deteriorates. And this only worries the parents.
A few teachers think about children. All their thoughts are occupied with their own subject. It is necessary to teach parents to look after their own students and pay attention not only to academic performance. Often they either let it take its course, or load the child with additional activities, trying to make him a prodigy without thinking about the reasons for such studies. The main task of the parents is quite different. First of all, the child must be warmed with love.

We live in the era of capitalism, which means that the levers of human control have changed. There is a feeling that the parents are still left in the era of the proletariat, when we must do what the party told us. Parents should be demanding, but their demands should not be harsh. We need to help the child become independent and cultured, and the school will provide knowledge.
The modern school does not provide any kind of upbringing. A child, in addition to knowledge, needs to learn how to communicate and interact with his own kind. And here parental education plays the main role. If parents overprotect their child from adversity arising in his path, then it will remain a child up to forty years of age and older. And this will be a grief for elderly parents. They will understand that they will not be able to retire and their help will still be needed. All this can happen because one day, they missed the moment and uncontrollably gave independence to their child.
Parents can bring up aggression in a child, motivating it by the fact that such a world will be better and easier anyway. This is also an unwise move that will lead to problems in adulthood. Excessive empathy is harmful. Usually in such families, the relationship between wife and husband does not go well. The child sees this and as soon as he can, he will leave the family, trying to arrange a better life for himself in “free swimming”, but usually it does not work out.
It happens that parents openly present the child with his guilt. They show him the wrong step, but at the same time forgetting their mistakes. And the harder the parents live, the more serious the demands they make. It turns out that the child does not receive support, but goes deeper into his condition.

Parents need to prepare the child for situations that he has not experienced before. Therefore, it is necessary to change with him. He should not be frightened by the difficulties ahead, but prepared for them. He himself must want to go to school. After five years, if the child has a well-developed intellectual base, it is already possible to determine the future profession, and parents should help with this. Then he will be interested in school.
In addition, one should be interested in what fascinates him, and praise for any achievement. There should be more praise than swearing (3/4 to 1/4). If there are more reasons for swearing, then you will have to look for something to praise him for. Success will be promoted by being organized and a love of order. This is not taught anywhere, but will only be scolded. In pursuit of knowledge, you need to take breaks and develop the child in other directions. Show him the beautiful side of the world.

It is still summer and there is time to prepare the future first grader for school. It is necessary to reveal to the child that he is not the first on this path. For greater persuasiveness, take an old album with photographs that preserve your school image, and show that this fate has not passed you either. Share your childhood experiences, talk about your school life, and draw subtle conclusions about the benefits of learning.
Even when you are on the street, do not waste time. For example, practice handwriting using a stick and sand, and be sure to explain why. While walking, you can go to the store and pick out some school supplies. It is important to do this together so that the child himself can choose the purchased item. If he asks to buy a toy at this moment, do not refuse him. Perhaps she will become a learning assistant.

You can start learning to count on pebbles or sticks. And you can do this in the process of getting to know the world around you, combining the process with taking care of your loved ones. Don't forget to teach how to compare objects. The child must distinguish between the concept of more or less, round or square, etc. The ability to read and write will not bring up a good person in him, a sensitive and kind son. Therefore, try to turn to eternal truths in your lessons, teach your child to remember your family and not remain deaf to other people's troubles.
Play board games in the evening. They teach a certain order and self-restraint. We must learn to play and set an example for him in this. Teach your child to enjoy the process of play, not the fact that he has become a winner. Better to show her knowledge and ingenuity during the process, and the status of a winner can nurture a seed of pride in his soul, which will interfere with adult life.
It is very important that your child wants to go to school and it is not perceived by him as a heavy duty. Parents understand this very well and at the same time realize the severity of the task. Therefore, I would like to wish that one day a child would say to you: "Mom, how I want to go to school!"