More recently, it was believed that problems related to family life can, and most importantly, need to be discussed; that after long discussions it is necessary to come to a common solution that would suit both parties.

Today, conducting modern research, scientists argue that discussion of the problem does not lead to an improvement, but to a deterioration in family relations.
Naturally, this means an excessive discussion of a small family problem, which, if you do not talk about it for hours, will be forgotten in a few hours. Usually, the discussion begins to touch not the problem itself, but the partner's shortcomings, a listing of reproaches and various complaints. In this case, as a rule, the conversation is conducted in a raised voice.
However, scientists also warn against the opposite extreme: if you accumulate negative emotions in yourself for a long time, then sooner or later they will surely burst out. The situation can get out of hand and you may not like the result very much.
Scientists have conducted a huge variety of studies on this topic and found that here, as in most problems, you need to adhere to the so-called golden mean. If your husband's behavior is offending you in some way, do not be silent, tell him about it!
However, it is also not necessary to discuss each other's minuses and shortcomings on a daily basis, this obviously will not lead to a positive result.
Understand that a truly wise woman should understand that it is impossible to completely change a man, the poet should come to terms with some of his shortcomings. Try to pay more attention to the positive aspects, and life will become much easier.