It is simply impossible to meet at least one family that can do without scandals and stormy showdowns. And this fact does not mean at all that conflict situations will be resolved by themselves. If they are not worked on, then problems will accumulate like a snowball and can turn into a devastating avalanche.

It is easy to get angry and tell her husband a lot of offensive and unpleasant words, but it is rather difficult to make up after that. Even realizing that the fault lies entirely with her, it is not easy for a woman to take the first step towards reconciliation - pride does not give.
And here the question arises - what, in fact, to do? Wait for the husband to come to improve relations or obey him? How to make peace with your husband after a quarrel if you are to blame?
Psychological advice
The most important thing to do is to forget the resentment against your husband for the words that he said to you during the quarrel. Analyze without emotions his and your behavior during the conflict, understand for yourself that all the insults you say are just a toxic release.
But if you still want to justify yourself and blame your soul mate for everything, then you are not ready for reconciliation. You need to prioritize yourself as soon as possible: what is more important to you - pride or family.
So, follow the advice of experts, and a difficult situation will be solved by itself:
1. Be clear about the cause of the fight. It may turn out that many factors overlap, and the true reason is hidden from your attention. Even if you are to blame, the roots of your action can be buried deep. You need to determine the reason and reveal it to your husband.
2. Forget the threat of separation. Attacking is not always a good way to defend yourself. It would be much better to admit your guilt and explain to your loved one that you feel bad without him than to intimidate him with a divorce. What if your husband responds positively to your blackmail and decides to leave on his own?
3. Take control of your emotions. Restrained behavior, instead of insults and reproaches, will help you to make peace with your husband much faster.
4. Give your husband time to calm down and think things over. It hurts and hard not only for you, but also for your loved one. Try to be short and to the point, and then leave him alone for a while. Let him consider the information and deal with emotions.
5. Don't tell anyone about the conflict. It will be more difficult to make peace with your husband if your close circle is aware of your squabbles. Gossip and squabbles with relatives will only aggravate the situation.
6. Deal with resentment and unnecessary pride. You will no doubt confront your husband with the fact of your wounded dignity. But do not go too far so as not to turn into a quarrelsome companion of life.
7. Apologize with dignity. You can show your husband your repentance without humiliation. Treat the problem creatively, intuitively.

How to make peace with your husband when he is to blame?
If you are tired of a protracted conflict, and your husband does not apologize, then it's time to take responsibility for the situation on yourself.
Sometimes women think that it is very unprofitable to make peace with your husband first in this case - he will stop appreciating you. But each conflict is purely individual. And a smart woman can always change the situation for her own benefit in order to get her husband back.
● Waiting for the storm. Do not panic and burn bridges right away, it is likely that a repentant and guilty husband will soon come to you for a conversation.
● Taking a step forward. The guilty husband is stubbornly silent? It may very well be that he is afraid to appear weak. You will have to act yourself and sit the stubborn at the negotiating table.
● We do not provoke a new conflict. Do not make a row again, even if you want to throw thunder and lightning. It will be more productive to argue calmly.
There are many opportunities and ways for reconciliation with your husband, but only you yourself can choose which one is suitable for your family. The most important thing is not to be late. After all, relationships can collapse even over a trifle.