Quarrels and scandals between spouses are an unpleasant, but an integral part of family life. Often, in order to preserve the family, a woman has to be the first to take a step forward, to make peace with her husband.

How to make peace with your husband after a violent quarrel if he is not to blame
Conflict situations in family life are normal. But often, in a fit of emotion, one or both spouses cross the border - they say too rude things, shout, break dishes. After such a scandal, as a rule, thoughts of divorce arise in my head. But common children, property, feelings, in the end, outweigh all other arguments. Emotions subside and guilt sets in.
Making peace with your husband if he is not to blame is the right decision. Women, especially those burdened with everyday difficulties, are extremely irritable creatures. He didn't say so, forgot something - that's it, the fire of hatred and misunderstanding is already flaring up in the female imagination.
After a quarrel, of course, comes a period of rethinking. Resentment is replaced by a sense of guilt and a desire to quickly turn over this black page of family life.
"How to make peace with my husband if I am to blame?" -this question most often arises in the head of the wife.
In fact, everything is very simple. If there really are feelings between partners, reconciliation will not take long.
Try the following:
- Prepare a delicious dinner. Good food in a warm and cozy and calm atmosphere is a great pleasure for men;
- Be gentle. It is not necessary to say a lot and "load" your spouse with explanations and explanations. The main thing is to make it clear that you were wrong, for what you regret.
- If your husband is willing to listen, have a conciliatory conversation. And do not forget to start it with an apology for the harshness and misunderstanding on your part.
How to make peace with your husband if he does not make contact
There are categories of men or certain situations after which a man does not want to communicate with his wife at all and does not make contact.
It is important to keep a fine line here: do not overdo it with apologies and, at the same time, do not get too distant yourself.
If you think that the conflict is the fault of your spouse, then it is best to try to get the first steps towards reconciliation from him.
To do this, you need to be able to correctly create an atmosphere in which your husband wants to apologize to you:
- Family hike anywhere;
- A trip to friends (parents);
- Collaboration around the house.
How to make peace with your husband after infidelity
Cheating is a more terrible phenomenon than just a quarrel. Before deciding on reconciliation after betrayal, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth doing.
Certain effective advice in order to make up after adultery can hardly be found. In this situation, everything is very individual and depends only on the sincerity of the partners, their ability to forgive and the desire to be together with each other.