How To Play The Erotic Game "Drawers"

How To Play The Erotic Game "Drawers"
How To Play The Erotic Game "Drawers"

Erotic games are very helpful in diversifying the sexual life of partners.

Sexy play
Sexy play

It is with love games that partners can start their evening. They help you relax and feel more confident. All couples, without exception, can play the sexual game "Drawers"; great talent in the visual arts is not required here. You just need to have some drawing skills.

You can draw anything: flowers, birds, animals, a house or a man. The main thing is that the drawing is simple to execute. As a coloring material, you can use any tasty, but not too thick product, for example: honey, cream, jam, sweet sauce, caramel, melted ice cream and much more. The main thing is that it spreads well over the naked body.

You can draw on any part of the partner's body in turn; the buttocks, chest, abdomen or back are better suited for this activity. You cannot draw with your hands in this game. You can apply sweets with your tongue, nose - anything but your hands!

The winner is the one who coped with the task best of all - whose work will be more similar to the original. If it is difficult to determine the winner and both works are equally good, then a draw is declared.

The next stage in the erotic game is rewarding - the fulfillment of the partner's cherished desire!
