Game "Shaggy Dog"

Game "Shaggy Dog"
Game "Shaggy Dog"

This outdoor game is suitable for preschool children. She develops a sense of cohesion in the children's team, creates a team spirit and a friendly atmosphere. With the help of a counting rhyme, which is used in the game, children develop memory and intelligence. If you need to occupy a group of children on a holiday or a walk, changing the activity during class will help you.

A game
A game

First you need to choose the "shaggy dog". In the first game, an adult may become an adult to demonstrate the rules.

Now you need to choose a place for the "kennel". It can be anything: a chair, a bench, or just a chalk-drawn space. Next, you need to draw a line with chalk or designate a space for children, where they will hide from the "dog". He can't run beyond the line.

After everything is ready, the "dog" sits down in the kennel and pretends to be asleep.

Children join hands, go to the "dog", loudly reciting a rhyme:

- Here lies a shaggy dog, In his paws his buried nose.

He lies very quietly

Either asleep, or asleep.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see: something will happen?

While pronouncing the last phrase, children should touch the "dog". After that, he wakes up and catches up with the children. Children are hiding from him in the house. The task of the "dog" is not to catch, but to "scare" the children.

Before starting the game, children need to explain that the "dog" is kind, good, that one should not be afraid of him. This is necessary so that the game does not acquire an aggressive connotation.
