During the early Middle Ages, it was considered unacceptable to make any acquaintances without the help of an intermediary or a letter of recommendation. Modern etiquette does not contain such strict regulated conventions, but a well-mannered person should know about the rules of acquaintance in order to achieve success in life.

Step 1
If you are asked to introduce or introduce strangers to each other, do not do it "on the go." Take a quiet moment, tell them their full names, surnames and, if you reliably own such information, provide additional information. The person to whom you introduced someone can also give his own name and kindly add that he is very glad to this acquaintance. The person represented, as a rule, responds affably to an acquaintance and a handshake. In the event that these people have known each other before, one of them may remind you of this.
Step 2
If you are a man, then remember that, according to etiquette, you should be the first to answer the question about acquaintance. In the event that no one represents you, you must do it yourself. If you are sitting when you are introduced, introduced, and when you reach out for a handshake, then you should definitely stand up. Men are also supposed to get up to meet and greet an older man or woman. You should sit down only after they take their places.
Step 3
According to the rules of etiquette, a man is introduced to a woman. But nowadays, most men have to meet women on their own. When meeting, clearly state your name. If you wish, you can add a few additional words about yourself. When inviting a woman to dance for the first time, you don't have to introduce yourself. But if you decide not to limit yourself to one dance and invite a lady several times in a row, then etiquette requires acquaintance. Interestingly, when meeting peers, a young man must give his name, and the girl must answer with a hand. When an elderly man and a young girl meet, the latter should wait for the man to give her a hand.
Step 4
If you are a woman, then introduce yourself to a man only if you are sure that you are in a lower social position. Do not forget that a pleasant acquaintance begins with a sincere and benevolent smile. When you meet, look openly in the face of your interlocutor, give him your hand. Get up when meeting only in the case of older people.
Step 5
When visiting and meeting new people, observe etiquette and do not forget that the older person in age and position shakes hands with the younger one, and he also begins the subsequent conversation.