It is generally accepted that men and women from different planets are "a man from Mars, a woman from Venus." Men generally do not understand why all these "women's conversations", why talk about what is already clear. Their psyche is focused on feelings. Do not be surprised, they really feel much better, because they are not inclined to engage in self-deception. Our task is to find the right approach and make him hear, and not pretend to get rid of him and let him watch football. Today we will talk about what not to do and how to achieve the desired result with little blood.

Step 1
Raise the white flag. Your task is to show your opponent that nothing threatens his male pride. If he suspects that they are trying to manipulate or, even worse, humiliate him, put him in place, he will immediately begin to defend himself. At this moment, he does not see a woman in you, especially a beloved one. Now you are a competitor for him, a rival trying to take a place in the sun.
Step 2
You don't have to take a masculine position. A woman can only win with kindness, care, gentleness. Become such that it is pleasant for your partner to go to the meeting. Let it be a manifestation of strength, not weakness for him. Men love to pamper women and are ready to do anything for us. A hero lives in every representative of the stronger sex - it is important to remember this as an axiom that does not require proof.
For him, insults on your part are tantamount to admitting your own insolvency. Do not do that. Remember children's fairy tales: all feats are performed for the sake of beautiful princesses, but the princess must believe in her hero. Do not turn into a strict mother, a little girl, "druzhbana", be a woman. Always speak for yourself. He's your boyfriend (and maybe already your husband), but he doesn't have to share any of your beliefs.
Step 3
Be direct about what you want. Men are visuals, women are audials. This is another axiom to remember. Deliver information in the most compact form.
Let's remember our school years. Exact sciences are always easier for boys, and girls are natural-born humanitarians. Nothing changes over the years. The brain of your other half is simply not able to digest that stream of information, embellished with colorful epithets and comparative phrases. Speak clearly and to the point, sort out the points.
Step 4
If you want to be listened to and felt sorry for, do not say: "My boss is so bad, he scolded me and now I am so sad." Take my word for it, a man will not understand what you want from him. Most likely, he will immediately begin to look for a solution to the problem, and you, pouting resentfully, will come to the conclusion that they are not listening to you.
Meanwhile, the point is not that he is so bad, and you are good, or vice versa, you just did not understand each other. Say the same thing, only in the male language. It should sound something like this: “I need to speak out. Today I was so exhausted at work, the boss scolded me for something other than business. Listen to me, please. And that's all. The task is set. Now he knows what needs to be done to keep you happy and content. In the end, you get care, he feels like a hero
Step 5
Tears are a slippery topic. Not crying is bad, crying for any reason is even worse. If you grab your handkerchief for any, even an insignificant reason, this already raises doubts about sincerity. As soon as a man realizes that all suffering is nothing more than a farce, hidden manipulation will immediately stop responding to your tears under any circumstances. Therefore, you should not resort to prohibited methods of influence. Inefficient and tedious. Moreover, a woman with tears does not look very attractive. Stay perfect for him as long as possible.
Step 6
Learn to listen. It often happens that, in a burst of overwhelming emotions, we interrupt the man and begin to assent or express our point of view on this or that issue, and then we wonder why he suddenly fell silent. This method of communication is only acceptable for communicating with friends. Men are not like that: if they have already begun to speak (and for the most part they are terrible silent people), then they want to finish the thought, to be heard.
Don't give him advice that isn't asked for. Let him speak out and find a suitable solution himself. If you want to help - ask leading questions. Guide, but do not point. He will still do as he sees fit.
Step 7
Be a person. Let you have a common hobby, but everyone should have a personal space, independent of their partner. Any person cannot be made a prisoner of a relationship, for a prisoner always dreams of escaping from prison. You must have personal interests and views.
However, if your points on any issue diverged, never, under any circumstances, state this publicly. Communicate your thoughts in the correct form when you are alone. Humiliation in public (and this is how he perceives it) a man will never forgive.
Step 8
Another important point to remember: a man should never be internally sure that you belong to him one hundred percent. Maintain your hunting passion and relationship life. If everything is done correctly, then on a subconscious level he will not only love, but also respect, and therefore, reckon with your opinion, even if he does not tell you about it openly.