Unfortunately, family relationships can not always go smoothly. Sometimes one of the spouses tries to assert himself at the expense of the other and tries to humiliate his human dignity. You can't shut yourself up and be offended in silence. Such attempts must be stopped immediately. It is possible to respond with dignity to the sounded insult. Use the techniques suggested by psychologists.

Step 1
One of the most effective ways to answer correctly and with dignity can be called "That very case." It lies in the fact that your offender names any of your shortcomings and, against its background, tries to exalt himself. A worthy response to him will be a decrease in the quality of the result of the offender's actions, which can be started with the words "This will be the very case …". So, for example, to the remark: “You don't remember anything at all. I will have to pack your suitcase for the trip myself ", you can answer with the phrase:" This will be the very case when I have to go with an empty suitcase."
Step 2
You can use another answer, which can be called "Associative analogy". When, wanting to offend you, a person tries to play up some characteristic feature of your appearance and gives you a definition that emphasizes it, compare your abuser with an object that appears and performs its actions depending on this definition given to you. So, when someone from the audience compared the rather complete fabulist IA Krylov with a big cloud, Ivan Andreevich parried: “That's why I hear the frogs croaking.”
Step 3
Clearly undeserved criticism can also be answered in such a way that your opponent will immediately lose the desire to offend you. For example, you have created something, prepared a dish that, in your opinion, deserves approval. Instead, you hear condemnation and criticism. Use the contradictory technique. Instead of the expected reaction, demonstrate pleasure and explain it by the fact that a negative assessment given to you by the other person means that others will positively appreciate your creation. Say, “I’m very happy! If you didn’t like it, then it’s a worthy thing, and everyone else will definitely like it!”.
Step 4
The simplest, but very effective technique that can be used to answer with dignity is called "Mirror". Use it when you hear a direct insult. In this case, reflect this word and play with the remark as a characteristic given by the person to himself. Hearing: "Stupid!", You can say: "You should not be so self-critical, you still have hope to grow wiser."