Relationships with people largely depend on the ability to build a dialogue. Depending on situations and actions, you have to give answers to difficult, tactless or inconvenient questions. In order not to get into a mess, it is necessary to call for help and wit and originality.

Step 1
Evade the Answer You can almost always say that you do not want to answer this question. But with such behavior, you will rather provoke suspicion and bewilderment. For example, if you are asked "How are you?" or “Why didn't you pay the bill?”, such an answer would look strange to say the least. Use the technique of celebrities who often give vague or general answers in their interviews. For example, "It's hard to say when we will finish recording this album, but we are doing our best", etc.
Step 2
Answering a question with a question is a good way to put a tactless interlocutor in place or just take a moment to think about an answer. There are a lot of formulations of counter questions: "Why are you asking?", "Is this simple curiosity?", "What do you mean?", "And you?" (suitable for answering questions like “How are you going to live next?”), etc.
Step 3
There are questions that haunt people out of pure curiosity. Often the answers to them become the topic of conversations behind your back. As a rule, they are not as innocent as a simple question: "What's new?" Apply a sense of humor or even sarcasm. For example, "How old are you?" - "Seventeen, like you", "Are you still not married?" "Don't worry, my other half doesn't stop looking."
Step 4
Prepare an answer in advance This option is perhaps the most effective. It is actively used in the field of politics and business. Assess the situation and think in advance what you might be asked. Surely, most of the provocative questions will concern your "weak" points, which you yourself should be well aware of. Preparation will help you, if you do not guess the question itself, then at least make up an answer from several pre-thought-out blanks.