Stirring a baby is an exciting experience that any expectant mother looks forward to. It is the movements that give many women the long-awaited feeling of the presence of the baby in the womb, and pregnancy becomes more conscious. At different stages of pregnancy, fetal movements manifest themselves in different ways.

Step 1
The first physical activity is recorded in the fetus at 8-9 weeks of gestation. The child is already making involuntary movements with his arms and legs, the movements are chaotic. At this time, the size of the child is still too small, his movements are absorbed by a large amount of amniotic fluid, so the expectant mother does not feel anything.
Step 2
Gradually, the fetus increases in size and takes up more and more space in the womb. Women feel the first tangible movements of the baby in the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy. It is believed that in the first pregnancy, a woman begins to feel the movements of her baby for the first time between 18 and 24 weeks. In the second pregnancy, sensations come 1-2 weeks earlier than in primiparous women.
Step 3
At first, the baby's movements will be subtle, but soon his activity increases. The most active and tangible fetal movements are observed between 24 and 32 weeks of gestation. During this period, the expectant mother feels the child's movements almost constantly, and their frequency indicates the physical and mental state of the baby.
Step 4
After 32 weeks, perturbations become less active. The child grows in size, it becomes cramped in the uterus, active movements become impossible. At the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby's physical activity decreases markedly, but does not disappear. If a woman does not feel the child's movements for a long time in the later stages, it is necessary to visit a doctor.