How To Choose Nose Drops For A Baby

How To Choose Nose Drops For A Baby
How To Choose Nose Drops For A Baby

Baby nasal drops are a must in the treatment of nasal congestion. You can choose the right remedy yourself, but it is better to consult a doctor.

All nasal drops can be divided into three large groups: vasoconstrictor, bactericidal and moisturizing.

Which drops to choose?

Vasoconstrictor drops can be divided into groups according to the active substance. Some are based on xylometazoline, others - oxymetazoline and other vasoconstrictor agents. This information is important for long term use. It is widely known that such drops are addictive, so every three days, if the treatment lasts longer, it is advisable to change the active ingredients.

Moisturizing drops are made with normal saline solution. Such drops can be considered the most effective and at the same time the least harmful, since they help the mucous membrane to recover naturally.

Antibacterial drops help to gently disinfect the nasal cavity in case of inflammatory processes and viral diseases. Usually, such drops are made on the basis of silver and other disinfectants.

Popular nasal drops

There are quite a number of well-known drugs that can be easily found in any pharmacy, but not all of them are completely safe.

"Nazivin", "Snoop", "Otrivin" are vasoconstrictor drops. They significantly reduce the amount of mucus and relieve nasal congestion. They are quite effective, but, alas, they have frequent side effects, so it is difficult to recommend them to young children.

"Allergodil", "Vibrocil" - drops remarkably help to cope with allergic rhinitis, but the presence of allergies must be confirmed by a qualified specialist. In addition, they should not be given to very young children.

"Pinosol" is an effective product that contains mint, pine and eucalyptus oils. Recommended for children over three years old, since the ingredients are quite allergenic.

"Salin", "Aquamaris" - the safest drops based on sea water or saline solution. They are available both in the form of drops and in the form of a spray, they soften the crusts in the nose well and quickly restore the mucous membrane.

If you do not know what to choose, and for some reason cannot go to the doctor with your child, consult a pharmacist.

Always check the composition of the drops for ingredients your child is allergic to. If you want to play it safe, buy moisturizing drops with a minimum amount of ingredients. Saline or sea water do not cause allergies in most cases.
