What Nasal Drops Can Be Used For Newborns

What Nasal Drops Can Be Used For Newborns
What Nasal Drops Can Be Used For Newborns

Spring and autumn are the peak of colds. There are several treatment options for the common cold, but not all are suitable for newborns. A specialist should diagnose and prescribe treatment, but it will not be out of place to know what drugs exist.

What drops in the nose for newborns
What drops in the nose for newborns

Finding yourself alone with a sick child, do not panic and seek help from "experienced" friends with a request to advise what drops to drip into the nose of a newborn. Examination of the child by a doctor will allow to find out the type of rhinitis and determine the method of treatment. So, for example, if the cause of a stuffy nose is an allergy, it will be impossible to get rid of a runny nose until the allergen is detected. If the disease is not caused by a common cold, then drops with an antibacterial effect may be required.

"Harmless" nose drops

The number of "harmless" medicines for the common cold in pharmacies is amazing. However, despite the immediate effect that many of the drugs give, dependence on them develops no less quickly.

The most harmless drug for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis can be called "Aquamaris". It contains only sterilized sea water. There are no dyes with preservatives in the medicinal product. Newborns "Aquamaris" should be instilled 2 drops up to five times a day in each nasal passage. Sea water helps to moisturize the nasal cavity and get rid of the formed crusts.

As part of the vasoconstrictor drops "Nazivin" - a drug that mothers often use to treat a cold in children - almost the entire periodic table. The number of side effects is similar to the number of problems that arise after using Otrivin. In both cases, nasal breathing is restored almost immediately, but after a few hours, nasal discharge reappears. According to doctors, "Otrivin" can treat a runny nose in infants for a maximum of 10 days, after which addiction to the drug may appear.

Drug dependence usually develops on the third day after starting the drug. Infants are especially susceptible to influence.

Salin deserves special attention among the drugs aimed at treating the common cold in newborns. The drug is effective and at the same time absolutely harmless. In fact, this is a normal saline solution that you can make yourself at home. In the case of newborns, "Salin", as well as other preparations produced in the form of sprays, should be used with a pipette, instilling 1-2 drops of the solution 1-2 times a day.

Making saline at home is easy. To do this, you need to take 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water.

Another drug used in the treatment of the common cold in newborns is Protargol. The drops have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent properties. The opinions of doctors and parents about the effectiveness and safety of the drug were divided. Silver ions contained in drops are capable of being deposited in the human body and cause a specific disease - argyrosis. However, despite this, "Protargol" continues to be used in the treatment of rhinitis. Medicine for newborns is instilled into each nasal passage 2-3 drops, 2-3 times a day for a maximum of two weeks.

The task of parents is to alleviate the condition of the newborn

In addition to the above, there are several dozen more sprays and drops for the common cold, but most of them can be used to treat children over 3 years old. Before opting for any of the drugs, the principle of action of which is the same - to eliminate a runny nose with the help of one or another active substance, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. It is the doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and help you choose a medicine that will be effective for a particular child. Before the arrival of a specialist, the task of parents is to alleviate the condition of the baby. To do this, sometimes it is enough to lower the air temperature in the room and increase the humidity. In a family with a newborn, the optimum room temperature is 22 degrees. The baby's nose can be rinsed with saline without fear of harm.
