Any drug in the treatment of a child can only be used as directed by a doctor. This also applies to such a harmless and long-used external agent in medical practice, such as Vishnevsky's ointment. Despite the fact that this ointment has appeared and has been used in medicine for a long time, doctors can hear different opinions about both its effectiveness and the appropriateness of its use even in adults, not to mention its use in pediatrics.

What problems is the ointment used for?
On women's forums, mothers share their experience on using this drug for children with various problems. Pustules, boils, induration after vaccinations, inflammation of the lymph nodes, wounds and bruises.
In the medical instructions, the ointment is recommended for the treatment of abscesses and boils, lymphadenitis, burns, frostbite, wounds. It does not contain any prohibitive indications regarding the use of ointment for children, i.e. there is no categorical prohibition on the use of children by official medicine.
Side effects and contraindications
But in the side effects from the use of the ointment, the possibility of allergies appears. It manifests itself as a rash and itchy skin. The same can be with an overdose. The only contraindication to the use of the drug is the possible individual sensitivity to its constituent components.
To avoid these unpleasant manifestations, even if you use the ointment on the recommendation of a doctor, it does not hurt to do an individual intolerance test before use. After all, children's skin is delicate and very sensitive to irritants.
Even the mild irritant effect of such a natural constituent as tar can cause an undesirable reaction in some children in the form of rashes and itching. The baby's skin, like a sponge, absorbs all substances that fall on it. To avoid overdose, apply the ointment in a thin layer.
When using it in the form of compresses, the ointment should not be allowed to come into direct contact with the child's skin. It is applied to fabric or several layers of gauze.
Arguments of opponents of the use of ointment
There are many opponents of this drug. They consider Vishnevsky's ointment to be outdated and ineffective for a long time. It is necessary to use new, more modern antiseptics using antibiotics instead.
The practice of using this ointment has long been outdated. It cannot be applied to the surface of the wound. This creates an oil film and prevents oxygen from entering. In an anoxic environment, anaerobic bacteria multiply rapidly. The weak disinfecting effect of birch tar is not enough to cope with the infection.
Both points of view must be considered. Having decided to use the drug, you should use it correctly, after consulting your doctor. Only he will be able to determine the severity of the problem. The doctor will decide whether to use this ointment or if a stronger antiseptic is needed. This will help to cope with the disease, avoid mistakes in use and unwanted allergic reactions in the child.