From infancy, before going to bed, you bathed your baby in warm baths with fragrant herbs for sweet dreams. Now the child has grown up, and you can gradually transfer responsibility for your own health to him.

Good habits are formed in early childhood and then accompany the maturing person throughout his life. You should not miss the moment and let the development take its course, as a consequence, you and your child will more than once face the obvious need for simple rules. Be sure to explain to your child the reasons why you are asking him for certain actions.
One of the key habits that must be formed from childhood is hand washing. You should gently remind your child to go to the sink every time after going outside, using the bathroom, interacting with animals, and of course before eating. Parents need to control the thoroughness of this process so that it happens honestly and thoroughly: with abundant soaping and effective purity of the water flowing from the hands. The baby should feel comfortable in the bathroom. Consider the details of the interior, taking into account the children's needs and the convenience of reaching a faucet.
It is good if the child has his own hygiene items. Mom has a healing body cream, and dad only has his own shaving foam. Let the baby also have a special baby shampoo and a bright towel, to say nothing of a personal toothbrush, of which a huge assortment is now being produced for children!
If, for some reason, your child is capricious and does not want to succumb to hygienic education in any way, then try the right method - to turn washing procedures into an exciting game. Ask your favorite teddy bear or other toy that your baby likes to keep you company. Entertain this team with perky verses, show your child a new finger game. Use imagination and the child will have positive impressions about the process, which he will certainly want to repeat.
Often, children are afraid of water getting on the face and, especially, sensitive eyes. In this case, you should carefully rinse the shampoo off the baby's head, weakening the water pressure, or even washing the hair with a ladle. Pay attention to all the signals from the baby, analyze the factors that motivate them. In no case do not associate water procedures in the baby's mind with any threats, and also do not set conditions for the washing process (with the use of the words "if …, then").