How To Take Care Of Your Child's Eyesight

How To Take Care Of Your Child's Eyesight
How To Take Care Of Your Child's Eyesight

One of the most important human organs are the eyes, thanks to which we receive almost 90% of information about the world around us. That is why vision must be protected from an early age.

How to take care of your child's eyesight
How to take care of your child's eyesight

Child's workplace

The child has a lot to learn, spending a huge amount of time at the desk. The work area must be organized correctly. The table should be located by the window, if there is not enough daylight, you need to buy a table lamp with not too bright light, which should fall to the left of the right-hander and to the right of the left-hander. The chair should be comfortable and comfortable, the student should sit on it evenly, and notebooks and textbooks should always be at least 40 centimeters from the eyes.

Daily regime

Classes at school and additional circles and sections lead to the fact that the eyes are under serious stress. While doing homework, the child should be periodically distracted to relax his eyes. Be sure to find time for walks in the fresh air and active games. The student must get enough sleep, and this is at least 9 hours of sleep, otherwise neither the body nor the eyes will be able to rest.

TV, computer and other electronic devices

You cannot forbid a child to spend time in front of a TV, computer or tablet, but this time should be minimized, since all electronic devices are the most important enemies of children's eyesight.

Nutrition for the eyes

The diet of schoolchildren should consist of a variety of dishes prepared exclusively from natural products. A growing body needs vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Particular attention should be paid to the availability of a sufficient amount of vitamin A, which ensures healthy eyes and visual acuity for many years.

Regular eye exams

To make sure that the child does not have vision problems, you need to regularly visit an ophthalmologist. Preventive examinations should take place at least once every 6 months. If a specialist recommends glasses, you need to convince the child that he will not look stupid in them, since many children are afraid of this. You can flip through magazines and find stylish and confident schoolchildren wearing trendy glasses.
