How To Maintain Good Eyesight For A Schoolchild

How To Maintain Good Eyesight For A Schoolchild
How To Maintain Good Eyesight For A Schoolchild

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You need to take care of your eyesight from early childhood. And when a child goes to school, the issue of preserving his vision should be one of the main issues for parents, because the load on the eyes at this age is very great.

How to maintain good eyesight for a schoolchild
How to maintain good eyesight for a schoolchild


Step 1

One of the main factors helping to preserve vision for a school-age child will be the daily routine. When a child goes to bed and gets up at a certain time, gets enough sleep, walks during the day and does other things on a daily basis, the risk of losing health, even with a large school load, for him is reduced. Ideally, at school, activities that involve stress on the eyes will be combined with relaxing lessons for the eyes - music, physical education, choreography. In elementary school, you can ask the teacher to do compulsory eye exercises with their students, although this is usually included in school activities anyway.

Step 2

At home, the student should not be allowed to sit at the computer and TV for a long time. Total screen time during the day should not exceed 2 hours for school-age children. It is necessary to properly equip a workplace for a student. The light from the lamp or from the window should fall directly or to the left, furniture must be selected comfortable, make sure that the child maintains the correct posture during the lessons.

Step 3

The distance from the eyes to the book or notebook should be at least 30-35 cm; it is better to install textbooks on a stand with a comfortable slope. Every half hour you need to take a break from reading, doing exercises for the eyes, it is better not to read lying down or in poor lighting. The child should not be allowed to read under the blanket with a flashlight or play on the phone in the dark.

Step 4

It is very important to organize proper nutrition for school-age children, fill meals with useful vitamins and trace elements for the eyes. A large number of them are found in fresh blueberries, carrots, currants. A schoolchild's nutritional system needs to include a large amount of cottage cheese, herbs, cod liver, seafood, beans, olive oil. It is better to exclude dishes that are too salty and saturated with spices from the student's diet.

Step 5

Do not forget to show your child to an ophthalmologist, even if students are undergoing examinations at school. Usually, schoolchildren prefer to keep silent about vision problems, for fear of ridicule by their peers. But this leads to an even greater aggravation of the problem and a decrease in vision. In school and adolescence, vision can deteriorate very quickly. If your child is advised to wear glasses, do not ignore this doctor's advice. The glasses reduce the strain on the eyes, relax them and allow you to stop the deterioration of vision, as well as to see more comfortably.
