Schoolchild's Health. What To Look For Before The Start Of The School Year

Schoolchild's Health. What To Look For Before The Start Of The School Year
Schoolchild's Health. What To Look For Before The Start Of The School Year

Ensuring the prevention of diseases and checking the health of the child is the task of every responsible parent before the start of the school year.

Schoolgirl at the doctor
Schoolgirl at the doctor

Here are the main issues to look out for:


If the child begins to complain of frequent headaches and burning sensation in the eyes, see an ophthalmologist. Sometimes it is enough just to properly organize the workplace and limit the use of gadgets. The student's table should be at the window, while for the right-handed person the light should fall on the left, and for the left-handed person - on the right. When reading, keep a distance of 30 cm from the face to the book. Exercise eye exercises every half hour while doing homework.


Everyone knows that you need to visit the dentist every six months, but this was clearly not the case in the summer. It's time before school, even if the child is not complaining about anything.

ENT diseases

Tempering and long walks during the cold season can resist inflammation. During epidemics, flush your child's nose and throat with saline solutions from the pharmacy. And, of course, the house should be free of mold and dust. Air the nursery an hour before bed. Take walks after school.


Low physical activity can contribute to spinal deformities and flat feet. Enroll a student in the sports section. Swimming is most useful, but any other sports club will do. Start small - no more than an hour a day. Exercise in the morning. It's good if you show an example. At the table, the child should sit straight, close, touching the back of the chair. Feet should reach the floor or stand on a stand. Choose the right backpack. Preferably with an anatomical back and wide shoulder straps.


With the beginning of the school year, the diet will also change. In this connection, gastritis, ulcers and even obesity can occur. The child should eat 4-5 times a day. Introduce complex carbohydrates to the menu in the morning - cereals and bread. Add omega-3 rich foods.


After 3 months off, going to school can be stressful. Moreover, if this is the first time. The correct regimen will help reduce nervousness. The student must sleep 8 hours a day. Do not scold for poor grades, praise for any, even small, success. Let me recuperate after school, do your homework slowly. Ideally, 2 hours after school, but no later than 18.00, and for first graders - before 16.00. Before going to bed, do not let us watch TV, do not allow the use of gadgets. Better to take a shower and drink a glass of warm milk.

Cardiovascular diseases

If the child plays sports, in any case, a doctor's certificate is required. But often such a certificate is issued on the basis of an external examination. Demand additional examinations - ultrasound of the heart, or at least make a cardiogram.
