Summer Before School

Summer Before School
Summer Before School

Parents of first graders often think that the child needs to rest to the maximum before school. Some, on the contrary, are diligently preparing for school all summer. What do pediatricians and psychologists think?

Summer before school
Summer before school

If the kid attended kindergarten, then he is already quite ready for the first grade. Therefore, the main emphasis is better on rest and strengthening of the child's body, preparation for new loads. However, in order for the future student not to forget everything that he was taught, it is better to repeat the past little by little. But only in the form of a game.

What should be the activity?

On an ordinary walk, you can count trees, flower beds and flowers on them, solve elementary problems. Before bedtime, read fairy tales to your child, ask questions about the text, ask to retell what you heard in your own words. You can also compose magical stories yourself, come up with another ending or continuation of well-known texts. It is equally important to develop fine motor skills. At least once a week, the baby should sculpt, draw, glue, cut out of paper. You can buy recipes that include exercises for tracing a path, drawing by points, graphic dictations, etc.

You cannot urgently teach a child to read or write, try to master English. You risk driving the baby into a state of stress and discouraging him from going to school, causing fears and self-doubt.

But if your kid did not go to kindergarten and did not attend school preparation courses, you will have to study more. Perhaps it makes sense to sign up for classes at a development center.

The right motivation

Psychologists are sure that the main task of parents is to properly set up a child for study. It is better to tell the truth, not to hush up possible difficulties and problems, but at the same time not to intimidate and not program for the negative. Explain to your child what a lesson and a change are, who a teacher is, and how everything works at school. Tell him a few stories from your childhood, remember the first teacher and classmates. Take your child on a short tour of the school, show him everything clearly. If possible, come for a walk on the school grounds more often. Let the baby get used to it.

Don't panic

As a rule, this summer turns out to be difficult for parents, both morally and materially. You need to have time to buy a lot. However, you should not burden the child with adult problems. Let the first of September be a holiday for him!

Don't put it off until the last week, it's better to plan your purchases in advance. School uniforms can be purchased or made to order.

Buy stationery gradually, using discounts and sales in stores. Buy a pencil case, a briefcase, a bag for replacement shoes only with your baby. If they have images of his favorite cartoon characters, it will brighten up his school routine a little.

Observe the regimen

At the end of summer, you should not go anywhere, especially in hot countries. This is fraught with problems with acclimatization, failure of immunity, and various diseases. In addition, having received too many impressions, the child will find it difficult to reorganize from rest to study.

Already from the middle of July, you can gradually begin to live according to the regime. Write the routine on a piece of paper, try to follow it. The baby should get up, go to bed, eat, exercise, walk and rest at about the same time, give or take half an hour.

Use this time to improve your health. Check the vaccination schedule, visit all the necessary doctors. Be sure to visit your optometrist and dentist.

A good option is to rest in the country or with your grandmother in the village. Vegetables, fruits and berries from your garden or vegetable garden are much more useful than purchased ones.

Let your toddler run barefoot, walk, and play outside all day. No gadgets, just fresh air and fresh milk!
