The Diet Of A Child Under One Year Old: What To Look For

The Diet Of A Child Under One Year Old: What To Look For
The Diet Of A Child Under One Year Old: What To Look For

Proper nutrition in the first year of life serves as the foundation for the good health of the baby. It is very important that a rapidly growing body receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals in a balanced and complete volume. Therefore, in the first year of a child's life, it is necessary to develop the habit of eating according to the regimen. This will ensure the timely release of gastric juice and help to avoid digestive problems.

The diet of a child under one year old: what to look for
The diet of a child under one year old: what to look for

The baby was born: is a strict regime needed

For a newborn baby, the best nutritional option is his mother's milk. If the diet of a nursing mother includes a sufficient amount of necessary substances, the baby will receive them in full. In the first few weeks of life, it is undesirable to establish a strict regimen; it is better to give breasts on demand. Adaptation to the outside world will be easier and calmer. Over time, the child will choose the best meal schedule for himself.

With mixed or artificial feeding, the baby should be fed at intervals of 3 hours. But here, too, much depends on the characteristics of the newborn's organism. Breaks between feedings can shift in one direction or another. It is important to monitor your baby's well-being and choose the formula that best suits his needs. In no case should the remaining mixture be offered again. A new meal is prepared for each meal.

Features of the transition to adult nutrition

At the age of 5–6 months, the child is introduced to complementary foods and there is a smooth transition to changes in the diet. In this process, the main condition is gradualness. Each new product should be introduced with caution and the baby's condition should be closely monitored. This approach will help prevent possible digestive upset and allergic reactions. At the same time, you should adjust the intervals between meals, which should be 4–4, 5 hours.

There are general guidelines for introducing complementary foods, but it is advisable to talk to your doctor about which product is best for your child as a first adult meal. After all, the body of each baby is individual. If, despite the obvious usefulness of a product, the child categorically refuses it, do not insist. Better to try again in a couple of weeks. Perhaps the baby's taste preferences will change, and he will be happy to try the proposed food.

By the first birthday, the baby's nutrition becomes very diverse. Its menu includes vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, juices, minced meat. However, all this does not mean that the baby can eat food from the common table. Fried potatoes, hot spices, smoked sausage and other excesses of adult nutrition will do nothing but harm to the baby. His digestive tract is not yet ready for such stress, so baby food must be prepared separately.

With a properly organized diet, the baby will grow up strong and healthy to the delight of mom and dad.
