It happens that you do not feel reciprocity from the object of your love, or this person has left you. It happens that the relationship is not developing in the best way, and you understand that it is better for you to break up. In these cases, you need to try to forget it.

Step 1
Fight your feelings. Try not to let your thoughts turn in the direction of your loved one. Control yourself. Find an object to which you can switch consciousness. For example, as soon as you notice that you are thinking of your object of love, force yourself to consider your vacation or the style of a new dress.
Step 2
Protect yourself for a while from watching romantic films, reading sentimental literature. Instead, choose action-packed action movies and detective stories. You will follow the development of events and be distracted from sad thoughts and experiences. Also, don't revisit shared photos. The time will come when you can look at them without sadness, but for now it is better not to do this.
Step 3
Immerse yourself in the work. Ask management for a new project and dive into it. There is simply no time left to think about loved ones. In addition, this method can improve your financial situation and contribute to gaining additional experience and career growth. Also, changing jobs can help you. In a new place, you will learn something anew, make new friends and acquaintances.
Step 4
Think about what can bring you love for this person. Consider all the pros and cons that a hopeless relationship or unrequited feeling can give you. When you see with a sober look that there are many more disadvantages, it will be easier for you to cope with falling in love.
Step 5
Limit communication with your loved one. Do not call or write to him without an urgent objective need. Try not to date him. At first, it is better for you not to visit mutual friends if there is a possibility that the culprit of your suffering will appear there.
Step 6
Set yourself a goal. Think about what you want to achieve in life. Understand that unhappy love is not all that you have and can be in life. Start pursuing success in other areas.