How To Understand That You No Longer Have Love For A Person

How To Understand That You No Longer Have Love For A Person
How To Understand That You No Longer Have Love For A Person

In some relationships, you may feel like the feelings are gone. But sometimes this is a misconception and in fact it is just a slight decline. There are some signs that show relationship problems, and if you find multiple items at once, maybe the love is gone.

How to understand that you no longer have love for a person
How to understand that you no longer have love for a person

Signs that you have no love for the person

The feeling of loneliness haunts you all the time. Even when you and your partner are talking or doing something together, you feel lonely. If he is late or leaves for a visit, you do not get bored and do not notice his absence in any way.

In your conversations, there is no spark and sincere interest that was at the beginning. You are not worried about his problems, you are not happy with good luck, but just waiting for your turn to tell a story.

You try to spend more time apart. After work, you do not rush home, gladly accept the invitation of your friends to go for a walk, and load all your free time with courses or circles. Even being in the same room, you try to avoid communication - study information on the phone, read or otherwise avoid your partner.

Thoughts about betrayal and other relationships appear. You see off beautiful figures with interest, look for communication with the opposite sex and flirt with especially attractive acquaintances. At the same time, you do not mind at all if communication goes much further than flirting and goes into a full-fledged relationship.

The slightest flaws in your partner begin to annoy you. Even if it was touching before, now you cannot stand his behavior. A mug that has not been washed turns into a scandal, and if he does not fulfill your order, you start packing things for your mother. And how many unspoken claims do you carry in yourself, while perfectly understanding their insignificance.

You are annoyed by touch and intimacy with this person. You try to postpone it for another day, for the next week or month. You stay up late so that he is already asleep, and in the morning you slip out of bed before he wakes up. Kissing, if any, becomes a mechanical action, without feelings and emotions.

What to do in this situation?

For a start, take your time to make hasty decisions. Watch the relationship for a while, at least a couple of weeks. This way you can be sure it's not just a recession or your bad mood. Do not evaluate your relationship when you are in a strong quarrel, you cannot objectively assess the situation.

If it hurts you to realize that the relationship is coming to an end, try to revive it. Talk to your partner, find out his opinion on this matter, discuss the key problems. If you cannot cope with the situation on your own, contact a family psychologist. He will be able to evaluate your relationship from the outside and will help you regain your old feelings.
