A woman can find out about the presence of pregnancy not only from a gynecologist, but also by a number of secondary signs. You just need to listen to your body, then you will feel that a new life has arisen in you.

- - pregnancy test;
- - a jar for urine.
Step 1
A sudden onset of malaise, aching joints, a runny nose, a feeling of nasal congestion, chills, a slight increase in temperature may indicate not only an approaching cold, but also that after nine months you will have a small miracle. Similar symptoms occur due to changes in hormonal levels in the first days after pregnancy. And the hormone progesterone, which helps preserve the fetus, affects not only the course of pregnancy, but also the mucous membranes, which soften during pregnancy, and a woman may even start snoring during this period.
Step 2
Lack of appetite, nausea, problems with the gastrointestinal tract caused by deterioration of peristalsis due to the hormone progesterone can also indicate an interesting situation.
Step 3
Sudden fatigue, drowsiness, weakness are also indirect signs of pregnancy: this is how the body begins the main work to preserve the fetus.
Step 4
Frequent urge to go to the toilet "in a small" can remind someone of cystitis, but during pregnancy there is no pain when urinating. The reason for going to the toilet is the high blood flow to the pelvic organs. Then there are changes in the functioning of the kidneys and bladder. And later, the urge to go to the toilet is associated with an ever-increasing uterus.
Step 5
Dizziness, fainting, asthma attacks, palpitations, especially if you have never suffered from them, should also suggest a possible pregnancy.
Step 6
Well, the most important sign of an interesting situation is the absence of menstruation, although often there is not abundant spotting during pregnancy. And quite often they can coincide with the expected period of your period.
Step 7
To find out more precisely whether you are pregnant or not, a pharmacy pregnancy test will help. It is easy to use, so it can be used at home. To check your condition, collect a portion of urine in a clean jar (or any other container), preferably in the morning (but not necessary). Then open the package with the test, dip the test strip in the urine up to the mark and wait for -10-30 seconds. Place the test strip on a clean, flat surface and check the result after two minutes. The presence of two strips on the test indicates pregnancy. If there is only one strip on the test, you are not pregnant.