How To Identify Abnormalities In The Development Of A Child

How To Identify Abnormalities In The Development Of A Child
How To Identify Abnormalities In The Development Of A Child

The closest person to a child in the first years of his life is his mother. It is with the mother that the baby spends most of his time. And the mother's task is not only to take care of the child, but also to develop it. Therefore, the mother will be the first to notice violations in its development and take timely measures to eliminate them.

How to identify abnormalities in child development
How to identify abnormalities in child development

As soon as the mother notices the developmental disorders of her child, even the smallest deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor. Especially if these violations are noticed in the first or second year of the baby's life. Developmental disorders can relate to motor skills, speech. Psychological disorders can also appear. All this should be taken into account, because even the smallest deviation from the norm can be a symptom of a serious illness. And every mother should know about the norms of child development.

Motility disorders

In the first six months of his life, the child is just learning to control his body. In the first month, he must learn to hold the head for a few seconds. You should not demand much from the baby, but if he is not able to keep the head in an upright position even for a second, you should pay the attention of the pediatrician to this.

In the next three months of his life, the child must learn to keep his head lying on his stomach. And by the end of the fourth month, the child should be able to rise, leaning on the handles from this position. Of course, everything is purely individual. The child may be too heavy, but he should try to get up.

At the age of six months, the baby should already reach the toy on its own. In addition, he must be able to independently roll from abdomen to back and back. If this does not happen, then the baby has serious motor disorders. Of course, at this age, the child should already hold the head well.

Hearing and vision impairment

These violations should be identified as early as possible. They come to light not only when the child begins to speak, but from the first weeks of his life.

By the end of the first month of life, the baby should closely monitor the beam of the flashlight. If he does not, then either he has visual impairments or psychological impairments. At two months of age, the infant should listen for extraneous sounds, such as the ringing of a bell or the sound of a rattle. Already by this age, it becomes clear whether the child has any developmental abnormalities or not.

At the age of 5-6 months, the child should adequately respond to the music or singing of the mother. At this age, he should already turn to the sound of a familiar voice. He must react to extraneous sounds and look for a source of sound with his eyes, for example, a bell. If the child does not do this, it is worth sounding the alarm.

At 2 years old, the baby should visually distinguish edible from inedible, and at 2, 5 years old, he should be able to lay out toys in one line. If this does not happen, contact a pediatric ophthalmologist.

Speech disorders

Even violations of speech development can be determined as long as the child has not uttered the first words. At one month old, your baby should scream when hungry or physically uncomfortable. And at the age of 5 months, the child should already pronounce individual sounds.

If at the age of one year the child cannot speak any words, this also indicates a violation. By the age of 2, a child should understand the difference between opposite meanings (big - small, bitter - sweet). He must also name parts of his body. By the age of 3, the child should know his first and last name.

Disorders in social development

At the age of 1 month, the baby should recognize the mother and stop screaming when she hugs him. And at the age of 3 months, he should smile when his parents talk to him.

By the end of six months, the child should already ask for a hand to a loved one. At the age of 9 months, the child must consciously avoid contact with strangers - hide behind furniture. It should be alarmed if the toddler is not angry when his toys are taken away.

At the age of 2, 5 years, the baby should already speak in the first person, dress independently (or try to dress), ask to go to the toilet in a timely manner.
