Why The Daily Routine Is Useful For The Child

Why The Daily Routine Is Useful For The Child
Why The Daily Routine Is Useful For The Child

Do you remember how many of you went to pioneer camps for summer vacations in childhood, where a clear plan of life and activities was drawn up for the entire "shift", which lasted almost a whole month? This was not established by chance, because the team of organizers consisted of specialists with knowledge of the matter and pedagogy.

Why the daily routine is useful for the child
Why the daily routine is useful for the child

Applying the methods of organizing life in education, in particular, the routine of morning, afternoon and evening classes, thereby you form a stable picture of reality for your children and bring up important qualities of character in children: organization, focus on results, strong will, and others.

The sequential regimen should be tailored to the age-related conditions, but it should be implemented as early as possible. Once your child is already conscious enough to walk and talk, you can gradually introduce elements of organization into each day.

For example, in conditions of early development, you can assign a strictly defined time for morning and evening washing, nutrition. Most likely, the regimen for these daily activities for parents was developed even earlier, but now your toddler is smart enough to stay informed and begin to participate in responsible compliance with the regime on an equal basis with you.

For more than a decade, scientists have been conducting research on the human body for the activity of the brain and body at one time or another. And the most ancient treatises confirm the results of scientific research. From dawn to dusk, outbreaks or, conversely, the extinction of energy capabilities are observed in the body.

So, according to scientists, it is good for the body to wake up early in the morning (if possible before 6). It was noted by observations that children get up early very easily. It is recommended to take breakfast in the interval from 6.00 to 8.00. At the same time and until about ten in the morning, a person's memory is activated. At this time, it is better to appoint cases that require memorizing information. If you study this issue in detail, it will not be difficult for you to compare this knowledge with the daily routine for your child and family as a whole.

The result of the fact that in the family the child observes an agreed routine is the adaptation of the organism as a whole to certain actions, and also the activity of the brain becomes more structured. As a result, a growing person controls the consumption of his own energy and biological resources and is able to restore them in a much shorter time.
