Perhaps every parent wants his child to be healthy. In the modern world, a large number of vitamins and minerals are known that help to maintain the body's natural health, which is very important during the period of active formation and development - at the age of up to 7 years.

Magnesium deficiency
Magnesium is one of the important components for maintaining children's health. It is found in almost all tissues of the human body and is necessary for normal metabolism.
A lack of magnesium in a child's body can cause childhood depression. In a state of stress, the body produces a large release of adrenaline, in the process, the supply of magnesium is depleted. This can lead to a deficiency of the nutrient.
The deficiency can be accompanied by various disorders, such as toothache, problems with the heart and heart rhythm (tachycardia), and various spasms and cramps in the limbs. These are the primary signs, in the presence of which an experienced doctor should prescribe a biochemical study of the baby's blood.
Useful element
Magnesium is involved in increasing bone density. And therefore, in order to prevent the development of osteoporosis in a child, it is necessary to start supplemental magnesium intake. However, this does not mean that magnesium should be drunk by all children, without exception, taking medications should only be prescribed by a doctor.
Young children are capricious and do not always go to bed at the time they are supposed to, they often cry - this can be a violation of the nervous system and increased excitability. Taking magnesium can also help deal with these problems. The trace element helps to restore natural connections between neurons, gives the baby strength to withstand everyday stressful situations.
Also, parents of schoolchildren should know that while studying, a child may experience increased fatigue, stress, attention, drowsiness, or, on the contrary, sleep disturbance is often scattered. During exams or passing new complex material at school, you need to activate metabolic processes and prevent the lack of nutrients in the body. You should eat foods rich in magnesium, such as:
- fish, - berries, especially black currants, - chocolate, but it is better not to get carried away with chocolate, because diathesis may develop in children.
A contraindication to magnesium intake is severe kidney disease and pregnancy.
With the help of products enriched with magnesium, it is difficult to replenish the daily requirement, therefore, in addition to food elements, you can purchase magnesium-containing preparations at the pharmacy.
Both adults and children should consume magnesium. The daily dose is approximately 5-10 mg per kilogram of human body weight. Magnesium-containing drugs purchased at the pharmacy are usually safe and non-addictive, moreover, they have a minimum of contraindications.